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Networking Mistake: Labeling Yourself

By Ilise Benun | 05/14/2008

When networking, one of your goals should be to invite the people you meet into a conversation.


How to Get a Cranky Customer

By Suzanne Richardson | 05/12/2008

Being on the receiving end of bad service can ruin your day. But there’s good news: Every bad customer service experience you have (or hear about) can help you improve your own customer service.


7 Wealth-Building Lessons from Billionaires

By Mark Morgan Ford | 05/12/2008

There is no shortage of billionaires today. In 1985, there were fewer than 20 of them. Today, there are more than one thousand. Wealth is gradually moving away from the United States. In 2003, eight Americans made the top 10 in Forbes’ annual list of billionaires. This year, only two…


How to Let a Mentor Find You

By Judith Strauss | 05/10/2008

Turn yourself into an outstanding employee – and your boss’s number one protege – by following this advice from Automatic Wealth for Grads… and Anyone Else Just Starting Out:


A Better Way to Criticize a Piece of Writing

By Mark Morgan Ford | 05/7/2008

Providing negative criticism of published work is by and large a bootless endeavor. In the writer’s mind, hearing negative things said about it so late in the game feels like Monday morning quarterbacking.


Building Your Power Base at Work

By Brian Tracy | 04/24/2008

The more power and influence you develop on the job, the more you will be paid and the faster you will be promoted. There are three types of power that you can develop at work, all of which can be extremely helpful to you in getting ahead.


Is Your Client Relationship Worth a Cup of Coffee?

By David Cross | 04/21/2008

One of the great sales directors with whom I worked many years ago gave me a simple tip: “If you buy a client a cup of coffee, never, ever, ever ask for a receipt.”


Getting E-Mails by Mistake

By Suzanne Richardson | 03/25/2008

Getting e-mails by mistake happens to me about four or five times a year. I’ve never gotten any that were particularly interesting, but I’ve heard some juicy stories…


The Hero Within You

By Robert Ringer | 03/19/2008

To the extent you work at spreading the gospel of liberty to others – explaining to as many people as possible why liberty must be given a higher priority than all other objectives – you are a hero.


Name Calling That Persuades

By Larry Fredericks | 03/18/2008

The next time you need to get someone on your side, try this unusual persuasion technique: Call him names.


How to Get the Team to Buy Into Your Ideas

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/29/2008

The most important ideas in business – the ones that revolutionize processes – are usually met with resistance, resentment, skepticism, and misunderstanding.


You Are Going to Have to Kiss a Few Frogs

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 02/15/2008

“Hiring good people is hard. Hiring great people is brutally hard. And yet nothing matters more in winning than getting the right people on the field.” – Jack Welch All the really smart businesspeople I know have exactly the same challenge when it comes to building a business. That includes…