Notes From Michael Masterson’s Journal: “I’m on my way to China!”
I’m on my way to China for two weeks – and, based on past experience with trips like this, I know I’m going to have even more trouble than usual getting enough sleep. I’ve always needed at least seven hours of sleep to feel good the next day. And yet…
READ MOREHow to Fly First-Class From Now On
At a seminar some years ago, Bob Proctor asked his audience, “How would you like to fly anywhere in the world first-class?” The audience members agreed that they’d like to do it – but couldn’t afford it. “It’s not about whether you can afford it or not,” Bob told them.…
READ MOREHow Small Issues Can Turn Into Huge Losses
“The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.”. – Dale Carnegie Have you ever let a small remark really get to you? Don T. learned how big a mistake that can be … the hard way. A successful sales manager, Don was proud of…
READ MOREHow to Use the “Theoretical Identity
KS had been with our company for more than two years. She was talented and ambitious, and had made it clear that she hoped to advance. The problem was that she was also headstrong and impulsive. And this led her to make several rash decisions that were severely problematic –…
READ MORELeadership Technique: Get Your Best Employees to Welcome Change
Every growing business can stimulate and reward new ideas by sponsoring brainstorming retreats away from the office. Finding a tranquil, neutral location where a half-dozen of your best people can interact with thinkers and prodders from other industries is a good way to start. Don’t try to run these meetings…
READ MOREDoes Doing What You Love Mean Money Will Automatically Follow?
You’ve probably heard the saying, ” Do what you love and the money will follow .” Sometimes, it’s true. At other times, it is horribly wrong. You may love to meditate upon your navel – but that won’t bring riches unless or until you organize a program based on information…
READ MOREHow to Be an Extraordinary Employee
If you want an extraordinary income, you have to transform yourself into an extraordinary worker. Here are six ways to do that: 1. Get in early. There is no better way to demonstrate your commitment to your company than by getting to work earlier than everybody else. Getting to work…
READ MORESalespeople Who Don’t Sell
Recently when I was in Phoenix, I went to a cowboy boot store. To buy boots. I have a pair of ostrich boots I’ve had for quite a few years. Re-soled them a few times. They have a lot of miles on ’em, but I’m very reluctant to give them…
READ MORENotes From Michael Masterson’s Journal: Superstars Are Superstars
California Senator Dianne Feinstein is afraid that foreigners are “snatching places at American universities from deserving American students.” And she’s trying to make it harder for foreign students to study at American universities. But the truth must surely be, as a recent New York Times essay by Steven Clemons and…
READ MOREWhen It Pays to Pay More
For six years, we struggled with the restaurant, training the staff, upgrading the kitchen, and expanding the menu. During that time, we went through a half-dozen managers, an assortment of well-meaning people with limited experience, and a variety of personality disorders that were impossible to detect during the interviewing process.…
READ MOREWhen You Screw Up – Big Time – Twice in One Week
Last week will go down as a memorable one in my journal. I made two major mistakes that stirred up some dust and made me wonder if I was fit to run a business. The first was a classic e-mail snafu. For several weeks, I was having confidential discussions with…
READ MORETalking to Strangers
“Fear makes strangers of people who would be friends.” – Shirley MacLaine Tom could have remained silent. He could have given a polite nod or busied himself with reviewing the work he’d brought with him. But he didn’t. And now, he’s got a brand-new client that brings him $40,000 a…