Two Myths About Leadership
Did you know that the average age of the people who write for Forbes, Fortune, Business Week, and The Wall Street Journal is something like 29 years old? Don’t get me wrong. I read these publications. And I understand the necessity of hiring young, inexperienced writers. But because I have…
READ MOREIf You Want to Be Happy for the Rest of Your Life …
I was happy this morning. After stretching on my bedroom balcony as the sun came up, I made a pot of coffee and ambled to my writing studio above the garage. There, I put on a disc of Gregorian chants and began my daily work as a story writer, picking…
READ MORENotes From Michael Masterson’s Journal: 3 Reasons to Get Married
Married people are much more likely than their single counterparts to rate themselves “very happy.” According to Princeton Survey Research Associates, 43% of the married people polled claimed to be very happy while only 24% of the unmarried people did. I was surprised to read that statistic. Married people, I…
READ MORESexuality in Business – One Woman’s View
Some women contend that any sideways glance by a male co-worker automatically diminishes their effectiveness on the job and their likelihood of advancement. While others worry that unless they can score a sideways glance, they’ll never get anywhere. In earlier messages, Michael Masterson advises women not to “use” our sexuality…
READ MORENotes From Michael Masterson’s Journal: A Lesson in Music Appreciation
One thing a mentor will do for you is prepare you before they occur for things that will change your life. My father did a good job of this healthwise. He documented his physical tribulations so that I could see – 30 years ahead of time – what pains and…
READ MORE“Using” Sexuality in the Workplace
In Message #1633, I wrote an article titled “Women in Business.” In response to some of the things I said in that article, a colleague wrote: “You know I always read your advice to women with particular interest … today was no different. “I’m sure it’s not conscious, but I’ve…
READ MOREHow to Handle Irate Customers
When dealing with an irate customer, your first task is to convince him that you’re on his side. Only after an angry customer believes that you understand his problem and sympathize with his plight will he be willing to believe that you really mean to help him. This is especially…
READ MOREHow to Have Powerful People Eating Out of Your Hand
He’s big. He’s mean. And he’s just said the four words every driver dreads to hear: “Registration and license, please.” All I wanted to do was run over to the convenience store and grab some milk. Now, my palms were sweating. The last thing I needed was a ticket. Earlier…
READ MORESimplify Your Life: Pack Faster and Travel Lighter
I travel a lot. So does K. Neither of us ever checks luggage. And I, at least, never spend more than 15 minutes packing. Here are some tips to make preparing for your next trip easier and faster. 1. Choose one or two colors. Reducing your wardrobe to a single…
READ MOREThoughts on Paying for College
I was a screw-up in high school, and so my college choices were very limited. As I remember, it was either the local two-year community college or the college of Vietnam. I chose the community school. My entire college costs, including tuition at $400 per semester, were covered by the…
READ MOREWorking With Your Spouse
There was a good piece in The Wall Street Journal recently about the “risky business” of working with your mate. It begins with the story of a man who was forced to fire his wife at home, during dinner. Part of the problem, the article said, “was that the wife…
READ MORECellphone Rudeness
I was waiting in line at my neighborhood bookstore when I became aware of a struggle going on behind me. “I thought I told you to turn that thing off,” snapped a woman in gray slacks. She was scolding her son, whose cellphone was ringing. I hadn’t even noticed the…