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Women in Business: Glass Ceiling? What Glass Ceiling?

By Michael Masterson | 01/23/2006

There has been a good deal written about the difference between men and women in the workplace. Men are said to be more decisive, more logical, and better able to make tough decisions. Women are said to be more intuitive, more communicative, and more compassionate. Popular books like Men Are From…


Achieve More With a Mentor

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/14/2006

With the advice, experience, and support of an experienced person in your field, you can avoid the most common mistakes you are likely to make. You overcome the stickiest problems and find shortcuts to success.


Notes From Michael Masterson’s Journal: Airport Security

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/4/2006

Almost everything about airport security is idiotic. The X-raying of shoes, the prohibition against cigarette lighters and cigar cutters, the puff machines, the random searches. Today, a wizened (see Word to the Wise, below) old Palm Beach County airport cop dressed me down for leaving my bags “unattended” while I…


Become a More Powerful Leader

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/3/2006

If you can learn to lead, you can conquer the world. You can accumulate wealth, amass power, and accomplish your most important goals. Today’s resolution is about becoming an effective leader – but not in the conventional sense (i.e. developing business management skills). I’d like to talk to you about…


#1559 – Mentors and Proteges

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/31/2005

““My chief want in life is someone who shall make me do what I can.”” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Most of my achievements are the result of partnerships. Top on the list – of course – are my three spectacular children, products of a partnership with my spouse. My first…


The Seven Ages of Man

By Mark Morgan Ford | 08/5/2005

“All the world’s a stage,” Shakespeare wrote in “As You Like It” – a stage upon which, over the course of a lifetime, we each play many parts. Our roles change, Shakespeare suggested, depending on which “act” we’re starring in at the time. Today, I’d like to take a closer…


Keep Your Eyes Open

By Gary North | 08/4/2005

Workers who possess specialized information, as most workers do, trade this information for a salary. But most workers have knowledge beyond the rote performance of their daily services. They understand the industry they are in, the local plant, and the condition of the office. The information sits there. The possessors…


Get Your Employees to Contribute to Company Growth

By Mark Morgan Ford | 08/1/2005

JP was not my idea of a superstar. He hardly spoke at meetings … and when he did speak, he showed that he was smart, but his wit was full of sarcasm. He did his job, but as far as I knew, never volunteered to do anything. Although I several…


Doing Business Overseas: Is It For You?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 07/25/2005

If you like traveling, you should consider taking your business overseas. Working internationally has changed my life. An internationalized business provides you with all sorts of benefits – some personal, some business: A larger, overall market to sell your products to – which could lead to a bigger business. A…


Do Americans Have a Face?

By Matt Furey | 07/14/2005

Several years ago, when I was visiting my vacation home on China’s Hainan Island, my brother-in-law asked me to go with him to a business meeting being held at a major hotel. I was reluctant to go at first. But after some nudging and persistence on his part, as well…


The Rise of “Medical Tourism”

By Jon Herring | 06/29/2005

Several weeks ago, I enjoyed an amazing vacation in Costa Rica. Not long after my arrival, I found myself reclining in a comfortable leather chair. The air was cool, and I was looking out at the flawless blue skies and steep, misty mountains that surround the city of San Jose.…


A Naturally Good Conversation About the Mythology of Success

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/20/2005

When we talk about business, Dr. Sears and I often discuss myths. Just as there are widespread myths about health among modern health professionals, there are also commonly held myths about business among successful executives. Popular myths can be destructive. In the world of medicine, they can put you in…