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What I’ve Learned from 25 Years of International Living

By Bill Bonner | 06/14/2005

If I had to name one thing I’ve learned in 25 years of publishing International Living, it might be this: When you set out on any journey, you don’t always end up where you expected to go – you end up where you ought to be. This has been the…


Adventures of a 1,6000 Pound Gorilla, Part 1

By Robert Phillips | 06/4/2005

If you weren’t already enamored with Bill Gates (a.k.a. Microsoft), you had to be impressed by the fact that he was recently on the front cover of not one, but two major magazines – Time and Fortune. What makes this especially remarkable is the fact that the two cover stories,…


Turn Your Best Customers Into Voluntary Sales Reps

By Jay Abraham | 05/28/2005

Have you ever wished you could clone your best customers or clients – potentially doubling or tripling or quadrupling the number of people just like them who come through your door? The truth is, you can! I’m not talking about scientific cloning. (In spite of what’s going on with Scottish…


Charisma Is A Special Quality, That To Some Degree, Every Person Has

By Brian Tracy | 05/26/2005

Charisma is a special quality that, to some degree, every person has. You have charisma to the people who look up to you, who respect and admire you – the members of your family and your friends and coworkers. Whenever and wherever one person feels a positive emotion toward another,…


The Holy Grail Revealed

By Andrew Gordon | 05/24/2005

The pretenders have been outed. It’s time for the Holy Grail of Investing to show itself. In past ETR messages, I’ve talked to you about bonds, mutual funds, ETFs, and dividend-paying stocks. They all have their pluses. But in the end, they’ve come up short… sabotaged by a limited upside…


Customer Service, Part 2

By Robert Ringer | 05/21/2005

In Part 1 of this article, I discussed how giant companies such as AT&T, Xerox, and IBM have fallen from grace with their customers through arrogance, ignorance, or both. Put another way, they have lost touch with how the new-millennium marketplace works. They simply haven’t grasped the idea that the…


Don’t Sleep With Your Boss

By Early to Rise | 05/20/2005

When it comes to acquiring wealth and success in business, the important rules are all the same – regardless of whether you are Tall or Short, Black or White, Man or Women. Yet every year, new financial books are published for “minorities.” One such book, “Naked in the Boardroom”, promises…


Teach Your Children Well

By Justin Ford | 05/19/2005

You teach your children to brush their teeth three times a day. You teach them good manners so they can get along with people. You teach them to study hard so they can get into good schools and, from there, good careers. And perhaps you teach them other valuable, practical…


How to Come Up with Moneymaking Ideas

By Jay Abraham | 05/14/2005

I’ve often been asked the question, “Jay, how do you come up with so many good moneymaking ideas? I can’t come up with one.” That’s not true. You can come up with all you’ll ever want or need. It only requires understanding two simple things: (1) All ideas are new…


How To Put on “Weight” as a Real Estate Investor

By Justin Ford | 05/11/2005

In Message #1399, I talked to you about wrestling. I said: “Determination and technique matter first and foremost. You can win against competitors who are far bigger than you but don’t have your technique or drive. But if you want to win the heavyweight crown (where the biggest purses are),…


It’s Not How Much You Do, It’s How Much You Do It

By Bryan and Jeffrey Eisenberg | 05/5/2005

When you’re inside the bottle, it’s hard to read the label. We call this Inside-the-Bottle Syndrome – the difficulty most people have communicating the value of their businesses to others. You may have a deep familiarity with what you do – knowledge that distinguishes you among your competitors. But, oddly…


Early To Rise

By Robert Ringer | 04/23/2005

In Message #1372, I wrote about the importance of not being cavalier about two basic rules when it comes to making money: Staying alive and staying healthy. Yet, while these two rules are of crucial importance, there are many other bases that we have to be sure to touch as…