Words of Wisdom from Donald Trump
While recently promoting his new book “How to Get Rich” in the New York Post, Donald Trump had these suggestions on how to get to the top in business — and stay there: 1. Dress for your culture. The way we dress says a lot about us — before we…
READ MOREThe Secret to Motivating Your Employees
In 30 years of managing employees, I’ve tried just about every motivational trick in the book. Some of the ideas I had the greatest faith in turned out to be very ineffective. Other ideas that I originally spurned were extremely powerful. Overall, here’s what I’ve observed: Mugs, T-shirts, inspirational posters,…
READ MOREBecome a High-Paid Freelance Copywriter
Dear ETR Reader, If you’d like to become a high-paid freelance professional, here’s an opportunity you might be interested in… You probably know that as a copywriter you can make a living. Get to travel often…Set your own hours…Choose which assignments you want to take…and earn a nice income. It’s…
READ MOREAre You Taking Advantage of the “Business Within Your Business”?
Your first business is your main one — the one you know you are in. Your second business is the one you automatically qualify to be in as a result of the knowledge you have to possess in order to deliver your main product or service. You can tap into…
READ MOREHow to Become Rich by Educating Yourself for Success
OK, so you don’t have a medical degree . . . or a law degree . . . and it doesn’t look as if you’re going to become CEO of a Fortune 500 company. What can you do NOW to put yourself on a fast track to achieving success in…
READ MOREHow I Became a “Chicken” Entrepreneur
Fahri Diner and Xiang-Dong Cao were sitting around after work having a few beers (I’m making up the details) and complaining about their employer, Siemens Information and Communication Networks in Boca Raton, Florida. Cao was saying that they were not properly appreciated, when Diner said, “Hell, we should start our…
READ MOREThe Mysteries of Retirement
Even if you work long and hard enough to afford the standard vision of a “perfect” retirement, you will almost certainly be bored by it. (I know you don’t believe me, but I can show you plenty of evidence: testimonials by dozens of businessmen I’ve known who retired, found themselves…
READ MOREThe Martha Stewart Recipe for Failure
Martha Stewart is an American legend. Born Martha Kostyra to a working-class Polish family in New Jersey, her sensational career was launched when she quit her job as a stockbroker in the mid 1970s to start a catering business in Connecticut. Over the next 10 years, with the help of…
READ MORESaving “Useless” Teddy
Everyone agreed. Teddy had to go. In the six months that he had worked for us, he hadn’t accomplished a single one of his half-dozen primary goals. Not only had he failed at his objectives, he was disruptive at meetings and rude in corporate correspondence. I volunteered to be the…
READ MOREHow To Survive Having An “Idiot” Boss
Your boss is clearly an idiot or a lunatic — so there’s no way that he’s going to help you succeed. But, for whatever reason, it doesn’t look like he’s going to be replaced anytime soon. What to do? It’s OK to vent about him at home (so long as…
READ MORELike It or Not, Appearances Matter
Casual office attire is becoming more common these days — but, in the words of the emcee at Woodstock, “that doesn’t mean anything goes.” Even if your company’s style is decidedly relaxed, you should be careful about how you dress. If you’re not, you could be hurting yourself without knowing…
READ MOREHow One ETR Reader Uses ETR to Have a Better Life
Patrick recently forwarded a note to me from Arnie G., a regular ETR reader. “Other ETR readers might be interested in what this guy has to say,” Patrick advised — and I agreed. So, here it is, expressed in seven “how-to-benefit-from-ETR” morsels: 1. Read ETR — even if you don’t…