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Self-Leadership Secrets of an Extreme Athlete

By Michael Hyatt | 02/22/2017

Leadership lessons from one of the most extreme ultrarunners on the planet.

Great weekend

A Business Strategy for A Great Weekend

By Andrew Merle | 02/16/2017

Having a great weekend can be just as challenging as having a productive work week (if not more).


How to Build a Business and Not Get Divorced

By Jon Acuff | 01/24/2017

Jenny likes to say that she quit my business. I, on the other hand, like to say that I fired her. Let’s agree to disagree. Regardless, two years into my business, my wife quit. Why? Because we were going to get a divorce eventually if she didn’t. No one tells…


Investing in a Culture of Permanence

By Will Bonner | 01/6/2017

“The rich never sell.” A successful real estate investor friend once told me that. When he said it, I thought that it was one of those things people say that sounds good, but that it probably wasn’t true. Of course, the rich buy and sell real estate all the time,…


7 Ways to Get the Most out of Your MBA

By Early to Rise | 01/4/2017

After deciding to attend an MBA program, getting the degree and entering the world of MBAs can be challenging. However, simply attending classes and earning your degree is only part of the work you’ll need to do while in school. The world runs on business, and having a deep understanding…


#1 Business Lesson From the Holidays

By Bedros Keuilian | 11/25/2016

The holiday season is upon us, especially here in the United States. I have been seeing Christmas decorations since October, which is crazy! But one thing that I do really appreciate about this time of year is the spirit of Giving. Whenever the holidays roll around, everyone starts getting more…


How to Have an Attitude of Gratitude

By Andrew Merle | 11/22/2016

It is that time of year when giving thanks is top of mind. The holiday season, and Thanksgiving in particular, causes us to think about all of the special things in our lives and express gratitude for them. This is a favorite time of year for many, in large part…


What Really Matters

By Alex Green | 11/11/2016

Why do some folks look back on their lives and say they wouldn’t change much? Or anything? Is there a formula? Some mix of love, work, habits, or attitudes that offers the best chance of a well-lived life? Researchers at Harvard have been examining this question for 72 years by…


7 Rules for Health and Fitness

By Early to Rise | 11/9/2016

Being truly healthy is not just the absence of disease or illnesses. Good overall health is a balance of many aspects in life: a healthy diet, regular exercise, getting enough sleep, professional and personal care, and healthy social interactions. But with the many stressors in life, it can be quite challenging to…


6 Practical Ways to Be Present

By Leo Babauta | 11/4/2016

There are a lot of amazing benefits to being more present and mindful, but one of my favorites is this: you’re not missing the beauty and joy of the present moment. Being present also helps you to see when you are feeling fear or resistance, uncertainty or the urge to…


8 Reasons Your Clients Aren’t Paying You

By Early to Rise | 11/1/2016

You did the work. Actually, you did the work extremely well. In fact, not only did you do the work extremely well, you completed the entire project under budget and ahead of schedule. So why isn’t your client paying? All invoicing businesses, from freelancers to major firms, experience delinquent payers.…


How One Wealthy Family Created a 38-Year-Old Billionaire

By Will Bonner | 10/28/2016

This is the story of a rich kid from Silicon Valley… with great connections. His father and stepfather were both successful investment bankers. But this kid’s career path took a different shape. In high school, he wasn’t much of a student. He cruised along with a B average. Most of his time and attention…