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How To Apologize Without Guilt

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/12/2002

You blew your stack and said something you shouldn’t have. Yes, yes, you were justified. She has made that same mistake a dozen times. But since she continues to behave the same way, your corrections are not having any effect. You realize the problem is one that requires shared responsibilities.…


When You Think It’s Time To Tell Off Your Boss

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/21/2002

Joe, a longtime ETR, says his boss is both difficult to speak to and seriously mistaken about some important corporate “issues.” He believes many ETRs may be in the same position and asks, “Should we tell the boss like it is?” It’s impossible to answer Joe’s particular question without specifics,…


Don’t Let What Went Wrong with Islam Go Wrong with You

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/18/2002

Bernard Lewis, the Western World’s foremost Islamic historian (whose new book “What Went Wrong: Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response” is scheduled to be published this month), has an interesting view of Islamic history that provides a lesson to anyone interested in success. Lewis says, “For many, many centuries, the…


Promise #8 for the New Year: To Build Your Network of Support

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/9/2002

On January 8, 2001, I resolved to make one new business or social contact per week. I suggested you do the same. My goal was too lofty. It was not possible for me to cultivate a new relationship every week of the year. I did manage, however, to make about…


Promise #5 For The New Year: To Develop The Personal “You”

By Mark Morgan Ford | 01/4/2002

The social “you” is always under scrutiny. Your employer and clients evaluate your work. Your spouse and children match your behavior to their expectations. Under such circumstances, the achievement-oriented person naturally improves because he feels the censure of his critics and strives for the approval of those he cares to…


Here’s Another Contrary Thought — About Parenting

By Mark Morgan Ford | 12/20/2001

“The energy which makes a child hard to manage is the energy which afterward makes him a manager of life.” – Henry Ward Beecher (Proverbs from Plymouth Pulpit, 1887) If, as I asserted in yesterday’s message, it’s a mistake to think that government should give handouts to businesses, maybe it’s…


Agreements: Written? Oral? What?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 12/7/2001

“Wrong must not win by technicalities.” – Aeschylus (The Eumenides, 458 B.C.) A very common question among businessmen: Is it prudent to “paper” deals? During the 25 years I’ve been in business, more than 90% of the deals I’ve made have been oral. Usually, the process is some version of…


If You Want That Better Job, Go After It Like You Mean It

By Early To Rise | 11/30/2001

“There is one quality more important than ‘know-how’ … This is ‘know-what’ by which we determine not only how to accomplish our purposes, but what our purposes are to be.” – Norbert Wiener (The Human Use of Human Beings, 1954) Yesterday (in Message #487), we talked about your career. I…


14 More Good Rules For Getting A Better Job

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/28/2001

“Do more than hear, listen. Do more than listen, understand.” – John H. Rhoades Jeffrey Fox tells the following story in his book “Don’t Send a Resume”: Douglas MacArthur, the legendary World War II Army general, was looking to hire a new aide. After a staff review of candidates, MacArthur…


Turn Your Job Complaints Into A Positive Plan of Action

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/7/2001

“We owe almost all our knowledge not to those who have agreed, but to those who have differed.” – Charles Caleb Colton (Lacon, 1825) Are there things about your job that you don’t like? Do you feel frustrated by them? In “Fearless Living,” Rhonda Britten has some good advice on…


Creating A Safe Haven

By Mark Morgan Ford | 11/3/2001

Dear Early to Rise Reader, We’ve been talking a good deal lately about America’s war on terrorism, the economic slowdown, and the tough times ahead. We’ve talked about how you can survive and prosper in the future. I’ve been doing all these things myself. But I’ve also been doing something…


What You Should and Shouldn’t Do About Sexual Harassment

By Mark Morgan Ford | 10/29/2001

“Even doubtful accusations leave a stain behind them.” Thomas Fuller, M.D. (Gnomologia, 1732)  As a consultant, I sometimes get to look at business problems from a variety of perspectives. I hear one story from the boss, another from the “victim,” another from the “culprit,” and still another from the personnel…