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#1 Factor in Building a Successful Family

By Dr. Joanne Stern | 10/14/2016

You may be surprised at how much time and attention successful wealthy families devote to family issues. Sure, you receive a lot of information on stock market analysis, strategic investment recommendations and the best ways to grow and protect your family wealth. But financial matters are only part of the…


How to Deal With Your Family’s Bad Habits

By Leo Babauta | 09/23/2016

Have you created healthy habits for you, but haven’t gotten your kids or spouse on board? You’re not alone — lots of people get frustrated when their loved ones don’t want to create healthy habits. I’ve had a bunch of people write to me about this, including one person who…


Transition: Turning Over a New Leaf

By Missi Holt | 08/31/2016

As we roll into September, and the unofficial end of summer, a new season is taking shape and with it some pretty cool opportunities. I love seasonal changes for their natural invitation to do something new. I use “seasonal” coaching and training to create more harmony and health in fitness,…


Inspiration: How a Positive Role Model Changed My Life

By Early To Rise | 08/29/2016

They say you’re only as good as the company you keep, something as a 23-year old female, I have struggled to understand. We are often consumed by the desire to surround ourselves with individuals we admire and appreciate. However, in our younger years that means something much different than as…


Why You Need Shark Habits in Your Life

By Dan John | 08/10/2016

In 1977, at our first team meeting with the Utah State University track and field team, Coach Ralph Maughan outlined a few things that continue to shape my life.  At the time, he was addressing state and national champions and one Olympian. Three statements stood out: “Make yourself a slave to…

money vs happiness

The Money vs. Happiness Debate

By Valerie Young | 07/29/2016

Where do you sit in the money vs happiness debate? Which is more important? After reading this article, do you still feel the same way?


Do You DRIVE with the Radio On or Off?

By Nick Papple | 07/7/2016

I have a friend who sometimes likes to drive with the radio off. Before we get to why that’s not weird, I want to tell you a quick story about the time I called NYT and WSJ bestselling author Daniel Pink a “pencil pusher” — and Mr. Pink not only saw my…


The Ten Commandments of Con Men

By James Altucher | 07/1/2016

I told her I would never write about her again. The first time I wrote about her was in 2009. I met her in a bookstore and she was drawing and I was attracted to her. I asked her what she was drawing. She told me her whole story. And…


The Value of a Vision Statement

By Early to Rise | 06/24/2016

Here’s a profound thought: Whatever your current situation, from your bank balance to the shoes on your feet, it is the direct result of decisions you made getting here. You set the trajectory and forged the causal chain link by link, and it has all led inexorably to this place.…


Father’s Day and What Dad Means to Me

By Missi Holt | 06/20/2016

Father’s Day offers the opportunity to reflect on the wonderful men in our lives. “Once upon a time, a Long, Long, LOOONG time ago… when I was a little girl…” I giggled uncontrollably even though I knew there was no possible way my dad had once been a little girl.…


Healthy Travel Tips (In-Flight Exercises!)

By Missi Holt | 06/15/2016

Summer travel has begun and if you’re like me you have at least one getaway planned, which means a whole lot of… sitting. Using healthy travel tips makes traveling that much better, yet it’s nearly impossible to be active when getting where you’re going will involve sitting at the airport,…


The Truth About Cord Cutters

By Nick Papple | 06/3/2016

Ask any teen or early-twenty-something how they kill time when they’re bored and I bet they say they search for videos on YouTube. Ask any person in their mid-to-late twenties how they kill time and I bet they say they watch Netflix, or Hulu, or HBO Now. Ask any person in…