Magic Words that Overcome All Objections

Amateur salespeople pray their prospects don’t have objections.
Semi-pros, from the old-school style of selling, have canned responses waiting on the tip of their tongue to annihilate a prospect’s objection the minute it rears its ugly head.
But the pro handles as many objections as he can in advance as part of his presentation – before the prospect ever verbalizes them. The professional is prepared with Magic Words to elegantly overcome all objections. That’s what you’ll learn today.
Here is the three-step process for doing exactly that.
1. Look at your offer and create a list of all the objections your prospect could possibly have for not buying. Don’t cheat here. Write them all down, even the ones that are tough to handle.
2. Look at your sales script, (You do have an actual script, right?) and see where you can logically weave in answers to the objections.
The best method is to create the list of objections before you actually start writing your script. By doing this, you will naturally cover at least some objections as you’re planning your presentation.
3. Determine how you are going to handle the objections and script out your answers.
There are many ways to handle objections. Obviously, I don’t have space to cover all of them here but here are three methods to get you started.
First is to tackle the objections head-on. The best way to do this, which takes a little “string” out of this method, is to use what I call the “mindreading technique” where you claim to know what your prospect is thinking.
Some “magic words” you can use as a lead-in are, “You might be wondering…” and “You might be thinking…”, Ex. “You might be thinking, ‘Hey, Dave, this sounds too good to be true.” You then answer the objection.
A second way to overcome objections is through the use of case studies and testimonials. Here is language magic that makes this technique even more powerful. It is also a form of the mindreading technique.
Instead of making a statement directed at your prospect like in the previous example, use magic words like, “Some people think…” or “Some people question…”
Ex. “There are some people that think this is a risky investment…”
Using the words “Some people…” puts your prospect in a non-resistant state and allows you to answer the objection without the prospect having to admit she even has the objection. This is a particularly effective strategy when a prospect might not admit they have the objection.
The third way is to overcome the objection in advance of the prospect actually thinking of it, by planting the answer to the objection in their own head so that later they’ll recall this and answer their own objection.
For example, you know that once your prospect hears the price of your product or service, she might think, “I can’t afford it.”
To illustrate, here is wording I use when telling my story about how my life changed by buying Magnetic Marketing.
“I remember thinking when I heard the price, ‘I can’t afford it,” but then I remembered reading something that Jim Rohn said, “Successful people don’t ask what it costs, they ask what is it worth. Successful people invest in themselves and their education and that’s why they’re successful.” And I knew that if I wanted to be successful, I needed to do what successful people did.”
I could literally write an entire article on that little bit of wording and you should dissect it to discover all the powerful lessons it contains, but for our discussion, notice how this plants the thought I want to have in my prospects mind of “Successful people do this so, so should I.”
When the objection of, “It costs too much…” pops into the prospects head, it is immediately met by the thought I planted earlier.
By the way, as part of my story, I also use language magic to overcome the “I can’t afford it” objection.
Answering objections by planting a thought in your prospects’ mind in advance of her having it is much more powerful that addressing it head on because it bypasses your prospects’ conscious resistance.
If a prospect brings up the “It costs too much objection” and I say, “But, Ms. Prospect, I once read that successful people invest in themselves and their education and if you want to be successful, you should too,” that brings up massive resistance and puts me in a combative position with the prospect.
By “hiding” the answer to the objection in the context of a story and doing it before the prospect even has the objection, there is no resistance.
Your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is to make a list of all the objections your prospect might have and layer the answers to them into your presentation using the three techniques I taught you in this article.
(By the way, this is just a tiny taste of what I’ll be revealing at the upcoming SuperConference. Get more details at
Kick butt, make mucho “DEEnero!”