Make Your Meetings Better

The other week I gave you my rules for better meetings.

We have a course, Management Rhythms Blueprint, if you want to do an extremely deep dive into meetings. Ask Lynda for access if you can’t open the videos.

It’s probably the most important training you can watch if your business is doing over $1 million and you have a team of 6 or more.

I also have several friends that are “meeting gurus” and they had tips to share:

From Anne Laguzza:

If the leader of the meeting has contributors…

They must assign them an appropriate amount of time for their topic in the meeting… and should work with the contributor to go through the presentation beforehand.

Too many leaders “assign 5 minutes” to a 15-minute conversation and then they rush through it and it’s ineffective. Better preparation and specifics are needed here.

The other tip I always share is, “Does everyone who is in the room need to be there?”

So many leaders include too many people and that is a time waster for them!

From Christian Muntean:

In addition to keeping things short, these four points will help almost all meetings:

1. Have a clear purpose/outcome for each meeting.

·       Each meeting should have one clear outcome. Build the agenda around that. Accomplish that before moving on to anything else.

·       For standing meetings – sometimes it helps to create a list of priority items to tackle over a period (month, quarter, year). Assign one item to each meeting.

2.     Always capture action items (what will be done, by who, by when).

3.     Always review previous meeting’s action items – hold people to account.

4.     Meeting time should be reserved for decision making/problem solving.

If you do a good job identifying action items/reviewing those (or using similar metric-based reporting) it can shrink reporting time to no more than a few minutes.

From Elon Musk (his rules for Tesla)

1. No big meetings

“Excessive meetings are the blight of big companies and almost always get worse over time. Please get out of all large meetings, unless you’re certain they are providing value to the whole audience, in which case keep them very short.”

2. Reduce your meetings

“Get rid of frequent meetings, unless you are dealing with an extremely urgent matter. Meeting frequency should drop rapidly once the urgent matter is resolved.”

3. Leave a meeting if you’re not contributing

“Walk out of a meeting or drop off a call as soon as it is obvious you aren’t adding value. It is not rude to leave, it is rude to make someone stay and waste their time.”

Clients of the Week

Here’s a cool update…

One of our clients hired another coaching client, Jody Dyer, to help publish his book. Amazing to see the power of the Mastermind Network in effect!

This is a deal she would have missed out on if she had skipped the California Mastermind.

How much business are you willing to risk because you’re staying home?


I want to shout-out Jody again, and Coach Daniel, for this thread in the Millionaire Mentorship community

Daniel asked a great question, and Jody replied here… showing the power of copywriting in effect!

“I met Craig late one night when I should have been asleep but was scrolling Instagram. His message resonated with me because he talked about women-mother-entrepreneurs being overwhelmed and how if I could get a handle on my morning routine, the rest of the day would improve. Plus, his BEST promise is to help us learn how to work less and earn more, and he delivers. If I work MORE, that’s by choice now. I took Craig’s Perfect Morning Routine short course and loved it, then had a call with Ron, and then took the leap into become a 1:1 coaching client. BEST business decision I have ever made!!!” – Jody Dyer

And here’s a great testimonial from a client…

“With 9 days left in the second quarter, I am less than $6000 away from 2.5 million in sales for the year!  To put that into perspective, last year, we hit $4 million.  I set the bar high at $5 million for this year and am basically on pace… WILD! As you know, my profit-set-aside goal was hit already.  $50,000 put aside in this quarter!  I live the way I want and spend a lot of time traveling, so to be able to build this up on the side despite all these trips is mind-blowing. Sedona trip was a blast!  Paris in July.  Uganda in August!  All are already paid for.” – Bob F.

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