Million Dollar Ideas

Here’s an awesome gift for you today.
It’s guaranteed to give you a few million-dollar ideas.
Listen to this free audio training on how to build your online business
On this recording, you’ll hear from my good friend and long-time coaching client, Shaun Hadsall. He reveals his secrets to building recurring revenue, dominating Facebook marketing, creating content on autopilot, and more.
Years ago I started calling Shaun a “Go Giver.”
Today he is 10X’s the go-giver as he was back then.
And that’s what you need to be.
Be a Go-Giver. Be generous with your time, energy, love, and money. Help people get what they want. Give away everything you know. It will come back to you many fold. You cannot out-give the universe.
Here’s what Shaun gives YOU on the call…
1) Shaun’s Webinar Funnel Secrets
This is for a high-end coaching program ($197/mo). The free webinar is on the thank-you page of his Over 40 Abs offer. Customers get their product, then the free webinar, which then sells them on the coaching program. If they don’t get on the webinar then the autoresponders take over, getting them on the webinar.
2) How to Grow a Continuity Program
To add value to your continuity program, always give your customers something they can print (a workout chart, meal plan, etc.) This gives them more perceived value.
3) Top Facebook Ad Tip
When doing FB ads, give people value FIRST. Follow what they are doing with their Get Lean in 12 Facebook page. Provide tremendous value with great content, then leading them to the sales page.
A great model is: 5 hormone tricks to ___. The content then shows 1-4, and #5 is the offer to tie it all together. You can do this with just about anything.
4) A Content Creation Autopilot System
You can take the content from a video and make it a blog post or make a blog post a video. This is how you can repurpose and cross-promote content fast for social media.
5) Continuity Success
a) Low-price offer with tremendous value, and forcing continuity (but being transparent about it)
b) Continuity in the upsells (getting a take rate of 30-35% for a $7/mo continuity program.)
Others in the industry are doing a $7 offer with forced continuity at $47 per month with great success. It’s really about testing and seeing what sticks.
Listen to this free audio training call on how to build your online business
Craig Ballantyne

PS – Shaun follows Craig Code #55…
…and you should too!
“Help others get what they want. You already have enough. Take the energy devoted to “getting more” and put it into helping more people than anyone else.”– Craig Code #55
PPS – Shaun was recently at my Perfect Life Workshop in Florida…
… and if you want to get the same 10X growth as Shaun, you need to be at my next Perfect Life event. Apply here to see if you qualify to attend.