When Momma does THIS, everything changes…

“When Momma changes,” Bill Phillips said, “the whole family changes.”
Bill is the author of Body for Life. Over 6 million copies of his book have been sold. You probably have one tucked away in your closet or basement.
On Friday afternoon I heard Bill speak at a small seminar, and then I was lucky enough to sit by him on the flight back from Phoenix to Denver.
“Craig,” he said, “keep on doing what you’re doing. Your books and videos are really helping people.”
“And always remember, when you get the mother to transform her life, the rest of the family will change with her.”
I nodded. I’ve seen that happen hundreds and hundreds of times.

My posedown with Bill Phillips…I’d waited 19 years for this!
Here’s proof…
After Catherine Gordon won my transformation contest back in 2008, her family, and her entire community changed because of her new habits.
Today Catherine has her own training studio in Sonora, California, and has been featured on ABC television. She’s not only changing her family, she’s changing America.
That’s the power of your transformation.
But it’s not just health. It goes for every aspect of life.
In my family growing up, Momma was in charge of the faith and finances.
And my Momma said, “Go to church on Sundays, lil’ Craiggy. And save your money, lil’ Craiggy. Get a job and work hard, lil’ Craiggy. Give back to the church, lil’ Craiggy.”
My sister and I followed Momma’s advice, and I’m grateful for it, because we’re both doing pretty well in this crazy world today.
But I know so many TT readers need help with their fitness, finances, and family.
That’s why you get access to 3 free Transformation Contests each year so you and your family get healthy…
And that’s I’m flying to Florida today to help you and your family’s finances get healthy, too.
Because on Thursday night I’ve arranged for you to join me on a free online presentation with my personal money mentor, Mark Ford.
Mark has promised to show us how to fix your family’s finances and start building a BIG nest-egg for retirement or for your child’s education fund.
No matter what your financial goal, Mark will put you on the fast track to success.
You’ll even get hundreds of dollars worth of free information when you register for the special event here:
Get free access to the Family Finances special event (and free bonuses)
It will change your life.
In the meantime, watch your email tomorrow morning for the 3 most important health secrets that Mark taught me seven years ago.
These 3 health secrets give you more all-day energy, help you sleep better, and of course, help you burn off belly fat 5 times faster than ever before.
Stay tuned for more of Mark’s secrets.
Talk soon.
Your family and fitness coach,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Take it to the next level today…
Step-Up. Take action. Fix your issues. You have all the resources you need to solve the problems you have. Use them wisely to eliminate the obstacles in your path.
PPS – Here’s a sneak peak…
…of Mark’s secret hideout.
Here’s Mark opening up my Perfect Day Formula book kit back in January.