How My Brain Works (Part 1)
I’m a lucky man. Creativity come relatively easy to me. Unfortunately, a lot of folks struggle with idea generation.
So let’s take a look at the techniques I use to create content.
I know that if we dig deep inside my brain, there will be a few things you might take away (just don’t take my medulla oblongata – I need that for the whole breathing routine).
Otherwise, feel free to pick up some of the habits I use to maximize your daily output and minimize your daily stress.
So here’s how my brain works:
Fact #1 – It Works Overnight
The first thing I do when I get up is to scribble down all of my ideas. My brain is full of them first thing in the morning.
And I get up early because that is when I am most creative. As a result, I’ve designed my life around this fact. Early to bed, early to rise.
So you need to design your life to reach your goals based on what you know about your strengths and weaknesses.
If you work best in the morning, get up early. If you work best at night, clear your social schedule and use that time to write.
Heck, I’m even getting in the habit of “training my subconscious” to come up with ideas overnight. It’s worked before…and I’ve used the strategy with naps too.
You simply put in a “request” to your brain when you go to sleep, giving it a problem to solve.
I’m not joking.
Let’s say you’re having trouble with a headline for your sales page. Read the headline before you go to bed. Review the principles of great headlines and sales copy. Then tell your brain to come up with something better while you sleep.
You should wake up with a good idea in the morning.
Don’t believe me? Check this out…
Perhaps you’ve heard the folklore about Napolean Hill.
He was given a deadline to come up with the title for his book, “Think and Grow Rich”. At that time, he hadn’t come up with anything better than the dismal, “Use Your Noodle to Get the Boodle”. Seriously.
So on the day of the deadline he had a nap…and he woke up with a much better title for his book that went on to sell over 20 million copies before his death in 1970.
Bottom line:
Our brains work in mysterious ways.
What most people don’t do, however, is identify their best creative techniques and maximize the time spent on them.
But that’s what separates massive content creation machines – such as Dan Kennedy, Bill Bonner, Malcolm Gladwell, and Stephen King – from those folks who can’t write a 10-page newsletter each month.
And I’m just getting started…tomorrow we’ll take a look at Part 2 of “how my brain works” and how this can help you be more creative.
We’ll cover:
– Why you get your best ideas in the shower
– How to use mindful meditation for creativity
– And one thing I do every day to get good ideas
In the meantime, I’m interested to hear how “your brain works”.
Do you have any creativity or productivity tips?
Share them on the blog here:
Have a great and creative week,
Craig Ballantyne
“Apply true focus to what you do best.” – Frank McKinney