New York Times Admits that My Workouts Are Best

Can you believe this? They are FINALLY getting it. The mainstream media, like the NY Times, and the big fitness associations are catching up to my methods. Check this out…
According to the American College of Sports Medicine’s annual fitness forecast, bodyweight exercise workouts were named the top trend for 2015. And the NY Times just admitted that your workouts MUST be high-intensity and that weight training is good for weight loss.
Ha, where have they been? It’s been over 7 years since I started creating a NEW workout every month for TT members. They are all here and on sale to celebrate 7 years of monthly TT workouts (you get them all).
Over those 7 years I’ve read thousands of workout studies and articles, and this might be the most interesting – and shocking – program ever. In it, crazy Canadian researchers tested the #1 bodyweight exercise against long cardio. In the study, 22 college-aged women did 4 workouts per week for 4 weeks.Group A did 30 minutes of treadmill running at 85% max heart rate
Group B did 8 rounds of 20 seconds of the #1 bodyweight move with 10 seconds of rest between rounds.
Both training groups increased their aerobic fitness levels by the SAME amount (about 7-8%). That’s right, the short, 4-minute workouts with the #1 bodyweight exercise worked just as well as 30 minutes of cardio. Shocking.
BUT…only the women using the #1 bodyweight exercise increased muscular endurance in common exercises like chest presses, leg extensions, sit-ups, and push-ups. And using the #1 bodyweight move also resulted in greater overall workout enjoyment.The Crazy Canadian Scientists concluded that doing just 4-minutes of bodyweight training will give you the same fitness results as long, slow, boring cardio.
That’s great news for everyone. You CAN get great fat burning, fitness boosting results in just a few minutes with the #1 bodyweight exercise…
…and that exercise is Burpees.
Now wait a second…I know what you’re thinking…Burpees might be too advanced for you, or your knees might not like that movement.
Fortunately, after spending over 10,000 hours in my lab (my lab = the gym) training men and women of all ages and fitness levels, I’ve discovered equally effective exercises, like my trademarked Total Body Extensions, along with classic “narrow-stance squats”, “prisoner squats”, and the 101 other exercises found in my bodyweight programs.
You can get all of my bodyweight exercises and workouts here
In fact, I want to take you on a tour of my current “lab”. And no, I don’t mean a tour of Bally the Dog, my Chocolate Lab. That would be weird & gross.
I mean a tour of my home gym. Here’s the one I have up in freezing cold Canadia.
That’s where I did Monday’s 10×10 workout.
And here’s the gym I’m using this week at my friend Joel Marion’s down near Tampa, Florida. Pretty simple, right?
But you don’t need ANY equipment to do a LOT of my workouts or to lose weight.
…if you want a similar set-up to mine, here’s what I have…
– Kettlebells from 15lbs to 70lbs
– Powerblocks (mine go to 90 pounds, Joel’s go up to 125 lbs)
– TRX Straps (I also have Jungle Gym XT & Elite Fitness Blast Straps)
– Adjustable Bench (full incline and decline)
– 2 Resistance Bands
– Stability Ball
– Jump rope
– Power Wheel
– Slam ball (20 lbs) and Med Balls (8-15lbs)
– Yoga Mat
– Dog <= My personal trainer
But all you really need are a mat, adjustable dumbbells, 1 kettlebell (35 pounds for men, 18 pounds for women), and an adjustable bench. You can do the full Turbulence Training video series with that line up.
And you can get ALL access to all of my workouts at the link below for one full year. And YES, you get both the HWR and TT follow-along videos in this incredible fitness deal – AND the new bodyweight workout videos that are coming in February!
Get access to all of my bodyweight exercises and workouts here
See you in the lab soon,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Stay strong with these words…
No matter how tough it’s been, you must keep going. If you stumble, get back up. NEVER quit. Stay consistent through tough times, persist and persevere through dark days. Look long-term, not to just tomorrow. You can do it. Keep at it.
Plan and prepare for success. Get social support to make it through the dip and you WILL experience a great fat loss WHOOOOSH (where you lose a lot of weight fast, no matter how long you’ve been stuck at this plateau