When Opportunity Knocks

Heyyyyyy, Craig is traveling to Europe today so…
...this is Bedros Keuilian filling in for him, with a bit of a Knock-Knock story (because it sure ain’t no joke).
Let me tell you a funny story about how life just happens to work out…
First, I spent last weekend in beautiful Newport Beach where I hosted a success and opportunity mastermind
weekend with a select group high level coaching clients.
And now I’m about to board a plane to Miami where I’ll be spending the next three weeks working on a big national
TV project which I’ll be able to tell you about soon.
You see, it’s funny, because just when you think that your plate is full, it gets fuller.
And just when you think that can’t handle any more, you’re given more to handle.
That’s how opportunity invites itself into your life.
Opportunity never looks for the perfect time when you have your ducks in order, and room on your plate to take on another project.
Opportunity strikes when it’s least convenient and when you’re most overwhelmed…
…and that’s why they say: Seize the opportunity
because if you don’t strike when the iron is hot, then you’ll likely lose that opportunity all together.
But the thing is this… opportunity doesn’t just come a knock’n without a GOOD reason.
The truth is that Opportunity is ATTRACTED to Action, and the more action you take, the better the opportunities that
you’ll get in life.
I don’t know why it’s that way, but it just is.
Action creates opportunity.
And opportunity is the precursor to luck.
And I can tell you that I’ve been really lucky in my career – first with my offline business which I built up to massive success and ultimately sold…
…and then with my coaching and mentorship programs for men and women all over the world who want to quickly build a business that’s profitable, systems driven, and serves their lifestyle
…then with my new Fit Body Boot Camp franchise and it’s rapid growth with hundreds of location, across four continents and nine countries.
And now, just as I thought that I couldn’t take on any more on my plate… I was presented with another amazing opportunity that’s put me way out of my comfort zone, and is going to be a game changer.
Seems like the harder I work, the luckier I get.
(That’s actually one of Craig’s FAVORITE quotes.)
And Craig will agree with me…he just keeps running into opportunities at every turn. The guy started off building a small business all on his own, just like you and me.
Then he created a massive info product empire by helping hundreds of thousands of people worldwide change their lives for the better – physically AND financially.
He kept himself out of his comfort zone and kept taking massive action… and opportunity kept on knocking.
Now Craig and I run the most successful private mastermind group for small online business owners who want to create an info product and sell it.
This very mastermind program has pumped out champions like Mike Whitefield, Dan Long, Shawna Kaminski, Travis Stoetzel, Rick Kaselj, Michael Parrella, Lori Kennedy, Mark Costes, and Peter Osborne just to name of few – who collectively sell millions of dollars of info products online each year.
Opportunity kept knocking at Craig’s door, and just over a year ago he took partnership in Early To Rise, which is really cool because only a few years earlier that was his ultimate business DREAM – and he achieved it by taking action and attracting opportunity.
The point I’m making here that the harder you work, the luckier you’ll be, because opportunity is attracted to action…
and people of action seem to be the luckiest and live the fullest of lives.
If you’re a person of action, and if you have an idea for an info product that you want to develop and sell online then Craig and I want to extend an opportunity to you.
Whether you already have an info product and want to sell more of it or if you just have an idea for an info product and want to know what the best, and smartest way is to build it out, take it online, and make big sales – we want to help YOU.
On September 11th Craig Ballantyne and I are hosting a one day mastermind in Las Vegas and we’re limiting it to only eight attendees.
During this one day mastermind we’re going to give you the entire blueprint for creating your product, finding your hook, crafting a killer sales coy, building a list, recruiting affiliates, and making sales within 30 days of attending the mastermind.
This is for action takers only and it’s designed to massively speed up your progress and get you up and selling in 30 days.
Now, if you’d like to join Craig and I for this one day info marketing mastermind then here’s what you need to do…
1. Email my assistant Frankie at Frankie@Keuilian.com
2. Let him know that you want to learn more about the one day info mastermind that will take place on September 11th.
3. Frankie, will give you details for the mastermind and if it’s right for you, then it’s up to you to take action and seize the opportunity.
Looking forward to helping you take your idea and making it a profitable online info products in 30 days or less.
Committed to your success,
Bedros Keuilian
PS – Craig promised he’d be back tomorrow with…
…one of the most important affiliate emails you will ever read.
Until then, TAKE ACTION, and keep on attracting opportunity!