Post-Exercise Metabolism Boosting Research
Post-exercise metabolism boosting research is one of the focuses of this week’s call. We’ll also review more SWITCH training tips, renew a protein debate, and talk about transformations, of course.
Glad to be home from Cleveland…except for the people I met, there was nothing redeeming about that trip. Really glad I went home on Saturday night. Nice week in Toronto. Spring is in the air. I fought off the remainder of that cold in Cleveland…it never turned into a full cold.
Congratulations to our 6-Week Transformation Winners
– Josh
– Rachel
We’re now coming up on the end of the 12-week contest…next contest starts in May
Let’s get started with…
Monday – March 14th
Transformation Tip of the Week
You are responsible for your results. You will accept your results without casting blame and you will learn from your mistakes so as to not make the same mistakes again. And then you will move on. That is how you will live and that is why you will succeed.
Training Tips
SWITCH training tip: Change the “implement” you use. If you are using barbells, switch to a dumbbell version of the exercise (i.e. from barbell bench to dumbbell bench, or squats to split squats). If you are doing dumbbell chest presses, try 1-arm standing cable chest presses. If you use are doing barbell rows, try bodyweight rows. Try a new version for 4 weeks.
SWITCH training tip: Increase the difficulty of single-leg exercises by starting from a “deficit”. That means elevating the stationary working leg…this can be done very well with reverse lunges and bulgarian split squats.
• Get 30 minutes of fun activity – now grab a Green Tea and do this week’s research review.
This week we’re going to review 2 studies examining post-exercise metabolism boosting calorie burning research.
Reference #1:
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011 Feb 8. A 45-Minute Vigorous Exercise Bout Increases Metabolic Rate for 14 Hours.
Researchers from the University of North Carolina tested the affects of 45-min of vigorous cycling on 24-h energy expenditure in a metabolic chamber.
Ten male subjects (ages 22 to 33 yrs) completed two separate 24-h chamber visits (one rest and one exercise day) and energy balance was maintained for each visit condition.
Exercise: 45-min of cycling at 72.8 VO2max at 11:00 am. Activities of daily living were tightly controlled to ensure uniformity on both rest and exercise days.
• The 45-min exercise bout resulted in a net energy expenditure of 519±60.9 kcal (P<0.001).
• For 14-h post-exercise, energy expenditure was increased 190±71.4 kcal compared to the rest day (P±0.001).
In young male subjects, vigorous exercise for 45-min resulted in a significant elevation in post-exercise energy expenditure that persisted for 14-h.
The 190 kcals expended post-exercise above resting levels, represented an additional 37% to the net energy expended during the 45-min cycling bout.
The magnitude and duration of increased energy expenditure following a 45-min bout of vigorous exercise may have implications for weight loss and management.
Reference #2:
One-set resistance training elevates energy expenditure for 72 h similar to three sets. Timothy Heden, Curt Lox, Paul Rose, Steven Reid and Erik P. Kirk. European Journal of Applied Physiology. Volume 111, Number 3, 477-484,
To compare the effects of an acute one versus three-set full body resistance training (RT) bout in eight overweight (mean ± SD, BMI = 25.6 ± 1.5 kg m−2) young (21.0 ± 1.5 years) adults on resting energy expenditure (REE) measured on four consecutive mornings following each protocol.
Participants performed a single one-set or three-set whole body (10 exercises, 10 repetition maximum) RT bout following the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) guidelines for RT.
REE and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) by indirect calorimetry were measured at baseline and at 24, 48, and 72 h after the RT bout. Participants performed each protocol in randomized, counterbalanced order separated by 7 days.
There was no difference between protocols for REE or RER.
However, REE was significantly (p < 0.05) elevated (~5% or ~400 kJ day−1) in both the protocols at 24, 48, and 72 h post RT bout compared with baseline.
A one-set RT bout following the ACSM guidelines for RT and requiring only ~15 min to complete was as effective as a three-set RT bout (~35 min to complete) in elevating REE for up to 72 h post RT in overweight college males, a group at high risk of developing obesity.
The one-set RT protocol may provide an attractive alternative to either aerobic exercise or multiple-set RT programs for weight management in young adults, due to the minimal time commitment and the elevation in REE post RT bout.
Wednesday Workout Tip
SWITCH Training Tip of the Day – Double the # of reps you do in 1-arm DB Rows. Decrease the weight by 25%. You should be able to do that with good form. Keep your torso tight to resist rotation. Your obliques will be screaming for the next 2-3 days and eventually your grip will get stronger.
Trainer Thursday
• Do 30 minutes of fun activity…
Training SWITCH – Use intervals at the start of a fat burning workout. I don’t recommend this be used ALL the time, but you can do this infrequently to switch up the physiological effects of a training program. I prefer strength work done before intervals, but if you use mostly bodyweight exercises – or upper body exercises – then you can do intervals before resistance…and it will feel harder.
Facebook Friday
I’m doing a lot of QnA sessions over on Facebook at
Q: In the areas of strength building and fat loss alone we see the benefits in these body weight workouts, shorter duration and not needing to do so much cardio. But when it comes to health benefits and cardiovascular health, fighting prediabetes and diabetes etc.. How does cardio match up and is doing body weight exercises enough to tackle those fighting disease, illness alone?
Cardio is fine for general health. However, as with fat loss, diet is the most important aspect of cardiovascular health. You can be a marathon runner but still have heart disease if you eat french fries every day. There are what I call the “4 horsemen of your body’s apocalypse”, and avoiding these are the keys to longevity and health:
1) Obesity
2) Smoking
3) Excessive alcohol
4) Inactivity
That said, the activity does not have to be long, slow cardio. Resistance training and interval training have similar long-term health benefits.
Great question…please ask yours at:
Social Support Saturday!
• 30 minutes of fun activity…
“Most people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.” – Napolean Hill….so never, ever, EVER give up.
Sunday – Plan, Shop & Prepare
• 30 minutes activity and plan, shop, & prepare
Q: How many grams of protein can you digest at one time?
Ready for a long-winded scientific answer? Your body will digest and absorb almost all of the protein you eat, no matter how much you eat at once.
The real question people mean to ask, is how much protein can your body use at once. That number is probably quite small – although I don’t know the specifics.
So if someone eats a lot of protein at once, say a large steak or one of those massive protein shakes that contain more than 30g of protein per serving, your body cuts the nitrogen off the amino acid and now has a “carbon skeleton” it can use for energy production.
So back in the day, scientists and nutritionists would use this info to justify their argument that “too much protein” is a waste of money and that it was “wrong” to eat a lot of protein.
We now know that protein helps control the appetite…so, its not “wrong”, provided it is done for the right reasons.
Ironically, the people that probably need less protein are guys that want to gain muscle. Another long story.
Anyways, bottom line: Stick to 20-30 grams of protein in each of your mini-meals per day. If you can only get 10g at one meal, don’t stress, that’s fine too. Just look at the big picture and try to match your daily calorie, protein, fat, and carbohydrate intake with your goals, and try to spread things out in as many “mixed” meals as possible.
As a general recommendation to everyone… To make it even simpler, just stick to the whole, natural foods approach and everything will work out. Its often that simple, without worrying about grams of this and grams of that. Its hard to eat too much of anything if you focus on a variety of the right foods.
Next week!
• Research Review – Technology based fat loss
• Nutrition – Controversial Nutrition Switches