Secret To Selling The World On YOU (pump-up speech)

You cannot be bashful. You cannot hold back.
It is time for you to be your BIG self.
(Thanks to Matt Furey for introducing me to the idea we all are hiding a BIG SELF in our minds…we are…and we need to become that to succeed!)
Time to step up and set yourself apart.
You need to have big, bold promises and proof. Don’t wimp out.
Answer these boldly and with great confidence:
Why are you better than all the other options out there?
Why would I switch to you?
What makes you DIFFERENT?
It’s time for you to celebrate your individuality.
“Create your own category so you can be first in the consumer’s mind,” as one of my original mentors, Yanik Silver, says in his powerful Maverick Business Rule #27.
In my businesses, you can see that I make a big deal about I live at the EXTREMES. I get up at 4am (I actually get up earlier, most days). I am dedicated to improving my health. I am prolific in writing. I am constantly motivating and encouraging others. This is my PASSION => To help you!
I’m labeled as “odd”, “different”, “disciplined”, and “intense”…but I’m also respected, shared, recommended, known, liked, and trusted for what I do. And I’m proud of it and passionate for it. Here’s what it leads to…
“Craig, where do I begin…You’re the one person that has given me more courage and confidence than anybody else. You’re always there to coach me and guide me both personally and professionally–and your ability to lift other people up in our industry is a true gift. You’re not only the best coach I’ve ever had… you’re a brother and great friend who always pushes me to be better… and I’m forever grateful, Craig.” – Shaun Hadsall
“I have known Craig a while now and knew I could rely on his personal professionalism and work ethic (as if that’s not apparent to everyone!). But he’s not alone in this performance. His entire team at ETR is on the ball, and each communication is met with a quick, gracious and helpful reply. Of course, the best reason to work with someone is to increase sales, and ETR has a huge list of willing buyers! They are used to getting promos, are trained to click and respond well to a pitch that brings them closer to living their ideal life with regard to health, wealth or wisdom. I definitely look forward to working with ETR again.” – Maureen Garry, Waikoloa, HI
That’s what you get for standing out in the crowd!
Everyone ein my industry promises “to help you reach your goals”…just like everyone in your industry makes the same boring promises.
You must take a stand so that you stand out.
If I promised the same thing as everyone else, how would I be different? How would I stand out? How would I attract the people – and affiliates – that I need to attract to grow my business? (We increased revenues at ETR by over 300% this year, by the way, thanks to our differentiation).
Through our differentiation, we proclaim to the world:
“Listen, who else delivers FREE content everyday that is better than what most people charge you for? Who else is up everyday at 4am thinking about YOU? I am obsessed with your success. I have access to one of the world’s most powerful success networks and I’m going to bring you insider secrets for free. Only we do.”
Our Obsession = Your Gain
Look at all the people that have used my information – Joel Marion, Isabel De Los Rios, Diana Keuilian, Dr. Mark Costes, the tens of thousands of success stories at Turbulence Training, etc. We have proof by numbers because we decided to take a stand so that we would stand out.
Here’s how you’ll identify your differentiation.
Ask your current clients, readers, your boss, and your peers in the industry, “Why did you choose me? What makes you trust me? How do I stand out from all the other choices?”
Be proud of being different. Be proud of what Dan Sullivan calls your “Unique Ability”.
Shed your humble exterior. It limits you.
It’s time to Man-Up, to be different, to be proud of it, to make it known, & to attract great wealth and opportunity into your life. It’s there for the taking.
You need to believe in your BIG SELF.
You must start to play up a level.
You must always be thinking, “What’s the next level and how do I get there?”
Get your solution out there to the world.
Test it. Track it. Tell the world about it.
Make your first sale. Get some results. And then keep telling others about it.
Proudly take those numbers to your best affiliates like this (thanks to our Mastermind Coach, Rick Kaselj, for writing this out
“Dear NAME,
He/she emailed out the attached email to INSERT NUMBER of people/customers, got a INSERT OPEN RATE % and an INSERT CLICK-THROUGH-RATE.
It lead to him/her make INSERT AFFILIATE COMMISSION for an INSERT EPC and it earned them INSERT PERCENTAGE more than a regular email to their list.
That’s why it will works so well for your readers because they are the same target audience. Let me know what else I can do to make this easy for you.
Sincerely, YOUR NAME”
That’s how you start stepping it up.
That’s how you Play Up a Level and become your BIG self.
Playing up a level and connecting with BIGGER players at events, summits, and Mastermind weekends will bring out the BEST in you. Take advantage of this chance. You may never get another one just like it.
You can do it.
Believe in your BIG self.
Never put yourself down.
Never act like the common man (or woman).
You must have a completely different mindset than the average person.
Use that to achieve your big breakthrough now.
Celebrate your differentiation and individuality and Unique Ability.
Grow stronger and more confident.
I know you can do this.
YOU know you can do this.
So it is time to Do This!
There is so much money and opportunity out there that it is truly amazing.
Keep on pushing on.
I believe in you.
Craig Ballantyne
PS – Here’s your chance to go BIG…
On Wednesday, January 7th, in beautiful Miami, Florida, my favorite city, Bedros Keuilian and I will be having a 1-Day BIG Player Mastermind. We’ll teach you everything you need to get started. We’ll introduce you to the web team you need to succeed & the potential affiliates that could send you sales.
You’ll get our entire Product Launch Blueprint (with promo emails, affiliate recruitment scripts, and exact step on how to do a 5-figure 3-day sale) so that you’ll have EVERYTHING you need to make your dream of living the Internet Lifestyle into a reality…and the amazing life you deserve.
We’ll give you the ultimate edge to launch your product and get EXACTLY what you want in 2015.
To join us in Miami just email our assistant Joan at and let her know you want to join us in Miami.
She’ll ask you a few questions to make sure it’s right for you, and if it is then join us for your BIG SELF breakthrough on Wednesday, January 7th.
By the way, only 4 spots remain…because we can only get so many BIG SELFS in one room! …so email Joan at today.