Sell the End Result, Not the Steps to Get There

“Why would someone pay for this?” is what I was thinking.
Not that long ago, I couldn’t understand why someone would pay for one of those “X-Number-of-Days Challenge” programs you see being advertised.
You know, the ones that promise your dream body in 21 days.
Most of these challenges are extreme — it’s pretty hard to make serious gains or fat loss in less than a month without some extreme diet and exercise. And even if you don’t know that, you’ve probably heard that the best diets and fitness regimens are the ones you can sustain.
So then why would any rational person buy a program offering such fast results?
I found my answer when I was reading one of Jay Abraham’s old Business Breakthrough newsletters (you can read this one for free). Abraham said:
“Most people don’t want to see things as a process. They’d rather see things as a project with a beginning and an end.”
Abraham believes you should sell the end result because that is what your prospect has attached the most positive emotional benefits to.
Your prospect wants to hear you say, “Imagine the looks you’ll get the next time you’re at the beach when you take off your shirt, revealing your sculpted six pack.”
Your prospect doesn’t want to hear you say, “Imagine how you’re going to feel prepping 7-days worth of healthy meals, two hours every Sunday for the next 6 weeks.”
You’re selling the benefits, but there are two more things going on here. You’re selling the end result in an almost tangible way. And you’re selling the end result best suited to where your prospect is at in their current situation.
Jay Abraham explains this as follows:
“Clarity gives power. It’s important for your customers to define for themselves their biggest frustrations, challenges and opportunities. In most cases, they are paralyzed because they cannot put their dreams into words, and they just have a vague idea of what they really want so they can’t take action.
“I often think that people in business are strikingly like people on a cross-country trip. They are in one of two places. They either know where they are but they have no idea of where they’re going. Or they know where they’re going but they have no idea where they are!”
Your job is to help your customers navigate their journey.
When your customer is at their lowest point — maybe their weight has spiraled out of control, or they’re not making the career strides they thought they’d be making at this time — it is your job to recognize that this is when your customer will be irrational. When a customer becomes emotional like this, you need to change your delivery. Emotional people are deaf to rational solutions.
This is why challenge programs are good to have in your arsenal of products. They show your customers a clear path to success with no room for error. They might not always deliver the most sustainable results, but they have the best chance of cutting through the emotional noise and connecting with your customers when they need you most. Once your customers are in your world, then you can open their eyes to your suite of products and ideas, providing longer-lasting results.
Nick Papple
Managing Editor
Success Formula Daily
Gary Vaynerchuk and James Altucher Cartoons… Yes, Please
I just saw this cool new video Gary Vaynerchuk posted on Facebook.
Read the top comments — everyone loves how different the video looks.
This is a good example of repurposing your old content in a fresh new way.
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