Problem with Short Workout Finishers

There’s one big problem with most short, burst, fat-burning workouts. And this problem might be stopping you from getting maximum results.

You see, each day for the past two weeks I’ve been up at 4am working on the new “Turbulence Training 2.0″ program.

On the weekend I was staying at a hotel on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, and yes, even after going to my friend John’s book party on Friday night, I was still up early to work on these new workouts. I then went over to a local Crunch Fitness and did a couple of finishers, including this one:

Workout Finisher for TT 2.0 Original Workout B:

Burpees – 20 seconds
Total Body Extension – 20 seconds
Jumping Jacks – 20 seconds

Rest 20 seconds and repeat at least two more times. (NOTE: If you are a beginner, replace the burpees with bodyweight squats and rest 20 seconds between exercises. If you are advanced, no rest for you!)

Today I’ll be doing this Finisher from the new TT 2K3 Workout:

3A) Prisoner Squat Jump or Total Body Extension – 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds
3B) Suspension Bodysaw – 20 on, 10 off x 4 rounds
3C) Prisoner Squat Jump or Total Body Extension – 20 on, 10 off x 2 rounds
There are over a dozen finishers just like these ones, plus several BRAND NEW metabolic workouts being added to the TT 2.0 program.

The new TT 2.0 takes the classic fat burning workouts from the original system (created back in 2003 and 2004!) and gives them an overhaul. Each one, while still being super-effective in their current format, is getting even better.

The workouts are getting shorter, and yet at the same time will give you faster results. Plus, they’re getting a metabolic-boost upgrade. I’ve learned a lot in the last 10 years (wow, can’t believe it’s been that long!) and I’m putting hours and hours into improving this program for you.

But there’s ONE big problem with these short workouts.

They are NOT on video…yet.

So this weekend, after a few days out at the farm here, finishing up the program at 4am  (followed by doing the workouts in my garage gym at 9am), I’ll be heading down to Michigan for a weekend of filming these workouts. I’ll be joined by Mikey “Pancakes” Whitfield, and Bri “The High Energy Guy” Kalakay.

According to my current schedule, it looks to be 19 hours of workout filming (Yikes!), but it will all be worth it to deliver these kick-butt programs to you in the Fall.

Until then, if you want more follow-along workouts, Brian Kalakay has solved the #1 problem of short workouts. He’s created his Lean in 17 program that gives you follow-along workout videos that are less than 20 minutes long – exactly 17 minutes, to be precise.

Get lean fast without cardio,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer