Special Workout – Excuse Eliminator
Hey Craig here, and I’m preparing for tonight’s BIG Goal Achievement Video Masterclass session (reserve your spot here) so you’re getting a special workout from Certified TT Trainer and Fit Body Boot Camp owner, Brittney Williams.
She lives down in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina, with her husband, Daniel, and aside from always teasing me about the Canadian winter weather, Brittney also designs amazing, fat-burning bodyweight workouts. Enjoy! – Craig
It’s Brittney, but you can call me Britt! I hope you are off to a great start in 2017.

Me, hubby Daniel, Lesa G., and ol’ CB
I’m sitting here on my patio in Charleston enjoying this beautiful 70 degree morning in January…sorry Craig 🙂
As an owner of two gyms and helping thousands of residents in my community, I know this time of year is when everyone recommits to their health and fitness goals.
But with the first full week of January behind us, excuses and obstacle start already appearing. The biggest two excuses for most is lack of time and lack of equipment.
My passion is helping eliminate obstacles and providing a solution. Today I’ve got the perfect solution for you. This 10 minute bodyweight workout will help kick start your week and give you a boost of momentum.
I’m sure you can find 10 minutes today to work out, cant you? 🙂
Climbing The Ladder
Set your timer for 4 minutes. Do each exercise for 1 rep. Then complete each exercise for 2 reps. Then 3 reps. Keep increasing the reps until the 4 minutes is up.
Rest 45 seconds and repeat once more. Try to beat the number you reached in the first round!
1A) Prisoner Narrow Stance Squat
1B) Close Grip Pushup
1C) *Forward Lunge (per side)
1D) Rocking Plank
*Lunge Jump if you’re more advanced.
I love ladder workouts like this. They are fun and provide a nice competition for you. Heck, even if you only have 5 minutes today to exercise, go through this one time and you’ll still experience incredible benefits.
After I finish this coffee, I’m going to ride my bike to the park and do this workout with a few of my clients. Hope you’ll join us!
Cheers to eliminating excuses,
Britt Woodrum
What a workout.
I’m going to join you and do a round of this before tonight’s webinar to get PUMPED UP!
It’ll be perfect.
See you tonight on the live video presentation.
Click here to join me on the Goal Setting Masterclass Webinar.
Alright, I’ll be back soon with more tips on how to get more done so you can lose weight and get back in shape faster.
Talk soon,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Focus!
Have clarity of purpose. Know what you want, what matters, what doesn’t, what you will and will not do, and where you want to end up in this game of life. Be mindful of this at all times. Set your boundaries, stick to your vision, and live the right life for you and your family.