Step-by-Step Plan for Selling Anything Online

Hey, do you think it’s weird that I hired one of my best friends as my business coach and paid him over $30,000 last year?
I don’t.
After all, the return on investment has already been 10-to-1.
And he’s still giving me great ideas.
My coach, by the way, is Bedros Keuilian. He’s also my business partner, fellow steak aficionado, one of the few people I’ll actually go the gym with, and as mentioned above, one of my best friends.
Bedros is the guru’s guru when it comes to selling books and high-end coaching and mastermind programs.
And as you know, one of my new businesses is hosting Perfect Life Workshops. I’ve sold out several already, but as Bedros said to me last month, “You’ve made all the easy sales, bud. Now you have to put a better sales system in place.”
Fifteen minutes later, he sent me an incredible step-by-step digital media blueprint for building celebrity, authority, and credibility.
Here’s the video plan he gave me for ascending people like you from The Perfect Day Formula book and kit to one of my workshops… all without hard selling:
- Facebook video 2x per week
- Facebook live 2x per week
- Instagram live 2x per week
- Instagram video 2x per week (1-minute limit)
- YouTube 1x per week
- Post images weekly on IG, FB, twitter
- And apply for YouTube live as they roll it out
“Your goal,” Bedros said, “is to move people from Facebook and Instagram to YouTube, and from YouTube to your email list.”
“Each video needs to deliver a golden nugget from your book. Teach for 2-3 minutes and show how this big idea can be immediately be applied to someone’s life. At the end of each video, explain how you go in-depth on this and similar topics in your workshops and private coaching. Share examples of client problems, solutions, and success stories.”
Here’s an example of one of my videos following this formula
Here’s another advanced lesson from Big B:
Start each video with an ‘open loop’ question before making a BIG promise about the ONE big idea you’ll reveal in the video. Follow that with a short 10-second description of who you are, what you do, and what that means for the viewer. This positions you as the authority to deliver killer, credible content before closing each video with this:
“If you think you’d like to work with me on a higher level so I can help you X Y Z then click the link in my bio or in the comment section, or send me a private message and I’ll send you more information.”
This formula works for selling anything online, not just high-priced coaching.
For instance, here’s how you can apply these video lessons to selling a nutrition product…
Step #1 – Bring authenticity and enthusiasm to the entire video.
Step #2 – Start with an open loop question addressing their biggest problem. (I.e. have you ever woken up and said to yourself, ‘How did I let myself get like this? Well, don’t worry, everyone feels this way.’)
Step #3 – Promise to reveal ONE big discovery. (I.e. ‘Today I’m going show you how I stumbled across one simple food solution that helped me overcome ___.’)
Step #4 – State subtle credibility. No need to go overboard with accolades (just be real)
Step #5 – Show them you understand the pain they are going through. (I.e. ‘When I was 27 years old I was overweight and exhausted, and so I know what you’re going through.’)
Step #6 – Then go into your “Ah-Ha Moment” story about discovering the solution. (I.e. ‘I felt lost and confused, and was ready to give up hope, but then I stumbled across __’)
Step #7 – Give a ton of value and reveal the big lesson while recognizing their efforts and motivating them to see that it’s possible for them to succeed
Step #8 – Close it out like this: “If you’d like to get more nutrition secrets to make your fat burning meals more delicious so you can lose weight faster then click the link in my bio or in the comment section for more info.”
See how easy that was?
Next time you see Bedros, thank him for this FREE step-by-step plan that’s going to make you a TON of money.
And if you liked that short lesson, then just imagine how much Bedros and I can change your business if we spent two full days together.
Well, we can at our next info mastermind meeting. It’s coming up in May and we’d love to see you there.
Watch this personal invite from Bedros
See you soon,
Craig Ballantyne
“Be vulnerable. Tell the truth. Speak with honesty and feeling. Have the difficult conversations. Address the conflict. Solve the problems. End the arguments. Make the apologies. Achieve the breakthroughs.” – Craig Code #36