Success Secrets of Dr. Ferruggia
He’s the one they call Dr. Ferruggia, he’s the one that’s going to give you a mental kick in the butt. He’s the one they call Dr. Ferruggia, and he’s the one that’s going to make you feel alright…
(Apologies to Motley Crue for the butchered lyrics of Dr. Feelgood.)
…but thanks to Rick Kaselj, Mastermind member, for taking such great notes from Ferruggia’s presentation at our September event in Las Vegas.
I’m traveling to Mike Geary’s wedding today (and we’ll hear from Geary on Monday with some great email marketing tips), so I’m getting Rick Kaselj to fill in for me today.
Some really great info here… – Craig
The Vegas Mastermind: Lessons from Ferruggia
by Rick Kaselj
First, some tips on Having an Amazing Blog:
1) Have a list of your top 100 posts and recycle them. Refer their list to them, post them on Facebook and have them in your autoresponders
2) There are raving fans on your list that want to help you, bring them on board to your team to help you out.
3) Change the banners on the right side of your blog frequently as click through rate (CTR) decreases fast
4) Have number goals that force you to reach.
5) When it comes to the naming of your post, consider SEO but try to make it compelling
Keys Building a Monstrous Online Community
People in the membership site are part of the family. Work on building the community every day with your team. Encourage your members to use their real names and photos.
Don’t Let Bitterness Holds You Back
When you are angry, frustrated or jealous, it all distracts you and holds you back from going where you want to go.
Do what is Important to You
You might see what everyone else is doing and start doing what they are doing and this distracts you from what is important for you and what your passion is.
Don’t Do Stuff You Do Not Like: There are things that are important to your business but if you hate it, get someone else to do it.
Structure You Day How You Want – You will be happier and more productive.
Cut NEGATIVITY out of your life (people, things, tasks, etc.) and your life will be exponentially better.
Working More Hours Does Not Equal Greater Productivity
Doing what you enjoy doing, get someone else to do the stuff you do not like to do and structure your day for you.
Be More Efficient – To get more stuff done, cut down the number of hours you have and fill it up with stuff that is important to you.
The Best Things Jay Has Done Over the Last 5 Years:
a) Started meditation (he uses Holosync)
b) Deep breathing
c) Daily gratitude / achievement journal
d) Cut out negative people
If You Are Starting Out, Do These Fours Things
a) Plan out what you are going to focus in on (blog, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, guest posts, etc.) Pick 3 to 5 of them and justify why you are using any of these (ego, money, freedom, helping, etc.)
b) Write 500 words every day. Put up a blog post every week on your own site and then post on as many bigger sites as you can. For example, look at sites that have an Alexa Ranking less than 200,000 (Jason’s cut off is below 35,000)
c) Create a great product/report/video to give away to people
d) Create a specific targeted $7 to $9 product before creating a huge monstrous product
And finally…Answer These BIG Questions From Dr. Ferruggia…
If you were told by Dr. Ferruggia that you have 6 months to live, then:
– What do I like doing (hate doing)?
– What difference do you want to make?
– What is going to be your legacy?
– Who are you going to spend more time with (less time with)?
– What are the things you have put off, that you want to do?
Your answers are very, VERY important.
Thanks Dr. Jay and Rick K,
Craig Ballantyne
Never, ever, ever give up on what is important to you.