Surprise Invitation

The seminar starts in about 10 minutes so I have to rush off to the ballroom. I’m at Dan Kennedy’s “Wealth Attraction” even in beautiful (<= sarcasm) Independence, Ohio.
I know that just one BIG idea from Dan will be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in my life (just like the Virtual Mastermind idea I got at his Mailbox Millions seminar two years ago – it’s brought us close to $1M in revenue at ETR). That’s why I’m always going to events and getting involved with coaching programs.
Each year I invest $25-50K in coaching & seminars, and it’s at these events that the BIG ideas are generated, the Insider connections are made, and the money making starts.
If you’ve been sitting at home, thinking success is going to come to you, like some “Law of Attraction” baloney, I’m sorry, but you are incredibly wrong.
You have to be out there. You have to be in the room. You have to be connected to other like-minded individuals, and you have to be tapped into a mentor that can give you expertise on achieving your dreams.
So here’s a Surprise Invitation from Bedros…I gotta run or I’ll be late…and mean ol’ Dan hates it when you are late for his rants. (I’ll send updates soon…and I’ll share my BIG ideas from the weekend – stay tuned. – CB)
Your Surprise Invitation From Bedros
You probably missed this but it’s really important for you to know…
On June 27th Craig Ballantyne and I are putting on a 1-Day info Mastermind meeting for only 10 people. During this Mastermind we’re going to give you the step-by-step formula to create your info product, write your sales copy, create your authority platforms (this is VERY important) and to sell your product to the masses online.
This is for experts who have an idea for an online information product like an e-book, blueprint program, video coaching, membership site, etc.
And since you are interested in taking your knowledge and “productizing” it into an online program so you can help more people and make a lot more money, I wanted to make sure that you knew about this one day info mastermind meeting.
CB and I are gonna teach you EVERYTHING you need to know and then we’re going to run “hot seats” so we can address your product specifically. Then you’ll leave the one day mastermind with your 30 day marching orders to get your product made and selling online.
This is how Craig and I have helped people like Mike Whitfield, Shawna Kaminski, Travis Stoetzel, Rick Kaselj, and dozens of others build six figure online info businesses.
I want you to join us on June 27th in Orange County, CA.
We’ve cut the price of this mastermind in half from $1997 to only $997. So stop mess’in around and wasting time and get to the one day info mastermind on the 27th! 😉
Here’s what you need to do…
Send an email to Joan (my assistant) and let her know that you’re in. Her email address is or you can call her at (888) 638-3222.
You’ll want to hurry. We have 10 spots but we’ve already filled 5 or 6… It’s first come, first serve, so give Joan a shout today.
Talk soon!
Thanks B. A nice surprise to start the day.
Can’t wait till our meeting on June 27th…I’ll bring some wealth attraction tips, too, as well as my complete Blueprint on how to live the Internet Lifestyle and make money all over the world with just a laptop.
What an amazing life you can have thanks to one BIG idea,
Craig Ballantyne
Become the person you need to become to achieve the goals you want to achieve.