Powerful Pilates: NEW Research Study

Quick note today…because I’m traveling again (back to America!).
So you’re getting a fast fat-burner workout.
It’s takes just 4-minutes and it kick-starts your body’s fat burning for the day.
There’s even a video demonstration (below).
If this workout is too hard, here’s some good news.
A brand NEW study found that Pilates decreases menopausal symptoms AND is also a great ab workout.
This is the best Pilates program that you can do at home right now
Alright, now on to today’s bodyweight fat burner…
The Surprisingly Fast 4-Minute Fat Burner
– Do a warm-up of 10 bodyweight squats, 3 pushups, and 2 burpees before you do this circuit.
– Do the circuit once for a fast 4-minute fat burner.
– Do the circuit twice for an advanced fat loss & fitness finisher.
1A) Burpees (2 rounds) – 20 seconds hard / 10 seconds rest
1B) Close-Grip Push-ups (2 rounds) – 20 seconds push-ups / 10 seconds rest
1C) Prisoner Squats (2 rounds) – 20 seconds squats / 10 seconds rest
1D) Punisher Squat (2 rounds) – 20 secs squats/ 10 secs holding bottom position
For Punisher Squats:
Perform 20 seconds of a body weight squat, keeping the weight on your heels.
Then, do hold the bottom position of a squat for 10 seconds.
Watch this video to see the exercise demonstrations
Stay tuned for something very special this week.
I’ve got a treat to give you once I get back to America.
Talk soon,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS – Great news…
I came up with lots of fun new workouts this weekend.
I put 50 clients through 4 different bodyweight bootcamp workouts.
And later this week I’ll give you the best circuits.
Stay tuned!
PPS – Think about this for a moment…
Imagine yourself a year from now. What will you regret having not done? What opportunities will you regret having turned down? Certain sacrifices are worth it. I know you’ll make the right decisions because I believe in YOU!