5 Step Beginner Product Launch Plan
At a recent mastermind meeting, I had all my members sit down and do the following 6-figure exercise.
It’s a 5-step beginner launch plan.
I promise it will help you jump-start your business if you lack direction, and all it involves is spending 20-30 minutes planning out your next 12 months.
Here’s what we did:
1) We listed out every special event (our birthdays, our kid’s birthdays, product anniversaries, etc).
2) We designed special promotions around those events.
3) We then went through every month and looked for ways to connect regular holidays to potential promos.
4) We scheduled in affiliate promos under this rule:
After you promote your own product, look for a complimentary affiliate product to promote within 14 days.
For example, if we sold a fitness product, we’d promote a nutrition product within 2 weeks.
5) We also used this simple blueprint for beginner businesses:
a) Focus on traffic strategies to double your list (i.e. from
500 readers to 1000)
b) Every time you double your list, re-promote your main product (add a new bonus each time to build your product library)
c) Then do an affiliate promo (using rule #4 above)
d) Rinse and repeat steps a through c
The MM members really liked this approach.
It was forced accountability.
Plus, this method of planning allows everyone to see the potential for “concrete” money goals being achieved, and really got them hyped for the next meeting to report back with results and to re-do this exercise.
Another brainstorming exercise you should do is to list every single source of traffic that you can work on, as well as every affiliate you should be trying to get, and finally, every affiliate product that you can promote.
Take 30 minutes today to do this exercise and you’ll find a way to boost your income by 10-20% per week. I did this and it’s working awesome for me…sure it’s more work, but the rewards are worth it.
By the way, here’s the more extensive 9-step full-on product launch plan:
=> http://internetindependence.com/9-steps
Keep on pushing,
Craig Ballantyne
“Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” – Og Mandino