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What You Need to Know Today: October 20

By Nick Papple | 10/20/2015

Good afternoon, Early Risers! Here’s what you need to know TECH Home health care just got a lot cooler. “What if you could hold the power of your health in your hands? You could recover from injuries faster. Elevate your mood. And keep your immune system and bones strong by balancing…


Plank Challenge! 2 Minutes to Greater Focus and Tighter Abs

By Missi Holt | 10/19/2015

Ah, the plank. It’s a truly polarizing position — invoking dread or delight in those who engage in its many forms. Whether you love it or hate it doesn’t truly matter. What does matter is why it’s such an effective tool for developing greater focus, mental toughness, and overall strength…


Game Time! 3 Quick & Healthy Snack Hacks for A Winning Season, Plus Recipes!

By Missi Holt | 10/16/2015

Let’s face it, for the next several months we will have ample opportunities to stuff our faces with high-calorie, nutrient-deficient snacks as the NFL, NHL, and NBA seasons take off. Your favorite team can raise your blood pressure enough, without the aid of salty or fatty foods. Here are some…


Better Balance in Just 2 Minutes: Try this Right Now!

By Missi Holt | 10/14/2015

Better balance might sound like a boring benefit to doing Tree Pose. It might be catchier for me to talk about how cool it looks or how perfectly it tones your backside. But achieving better balance is pretty cool and here’s why: Balance is critical to our ability to prevent…


STOP!! Is Calorie Counting Keeping YOU Fat?

By Missi Holt | 10/12/2015

I used to have a notebook full of hand written equations like this: A gram of protein contains 4 calories. A gram of carbohydrates contains 4 calories A gram of fat contains 9 calories.1 serving of x food = 28g (10 fat, 10 carb, 8 protein) 10g fat = 90cals…


5 Smart “Plays” for Healthy Tailgating!

By Missi Holt | 10/8/2015

Football season is in full swing! Along with Baseball Playoffs and Hockey just kicking off there are plenty of opportunities for every sports fan to party, nosh, and cheers their fellow fans for the next few months—usually at the expense of their waistlines! But if you’re working on improving or…


5 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Solve Back Pain

By Missi Holt | 10/7/2015

Sharp stabbing, dull throbbing, tightness and aching. It’s a real pain in the… back! Back pain can be quite intrusive distracting you from your work, disrupting your sleep, and even leaving you completely debilitated. Nearly 80% of Americans will struggle with back pain that is totally avoidable. Often a simple…


3 Steps to Immediately Reduce Stress

By Missi Holt | 09/28/2015

Paralyzing stress. It happens to all of us. I’ve been there. Sitting at my desk with emails flooding my inbox, “to-do” tasks piling up, and the time to complete all I’ve set out to accomplish rapidly dwindling away. Have you been here too? Feeling overwhelmed? Needing to crank it into…


Sleep Struggles? 10 Tips to Help You Get Some ZZZs

By Missi Holt | 09/15/2015

“Dear Sleep, I know we had problems in the past, but I love you now.” Ever wonder how you managed to thrive on just a few hours of sleep in your younger years? In high school I achieved good grades, had endless energy, and performed in peak athletic shape despite…


7 Super-Nutrients Your Eyes Need NOW

By Early to Rise | 09/14/2015

Forget the myth that the only solutions to vision loss are prescription lenses and laser eye surgery. New studies show that diet is perhaps your best weapon in improving eyesight and preventing disease and age-related vision loss down the line. These seven vital nutrients have been scientifically proven to pack…


Are you giving Uncle Sam an interest-free loan? Why it may be time to adjust your W-4

By Early to Rise | 09/14/2015

If you find yourself strapped for cash during the year, yet you always receive a refund come tax time, it might be time to adjust your W-4 exemption. And with the holiday season right around the corner, who couldn’t use a little more cash in their pocket? As of February…


5 Vital Steps to a Healthy Relationship with Food

By Missi Holt | 09/14/2015

At one point in my life I thought I would never have a healthy relationship with food. For a time, I accepted this battle of wills as part of the human experience — and I was in for the long haul. I had no trouble cracking the proverbial whip to…