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6 Useless Stretches

By Mary | 07/24/2015

msn health & fitness 6 USELESS STRETCHES Static stretches are a funny thing. They are bad before exercising, good after workouts, and downright amazing when you’ve spent the last eight hours sitting in a desk chair. “While dynamic stretching has been proven to ‘prime the pump more efficiently and get…


Fatigue? Pain? Indigestion?  Here’s What Your Body is Telling You…

By Missi Holt | 07/24/2015

I have an admission to make. Earlier this year, I started noticing some disconcerting symptoms—fatigue, forgetfulness, lack of focus, anxiety, indigestion, and even some depression. I found that I was getting colds every month—that is unheard of for me! As a generally happy, vibrant and healthy person feeling this way…


Email 101: 11 tips to manage your email

By Early To Rise | 07/23/2015

CIO If you’re a college graduate entering the workforce, you may quickly find you aren’t prepared for the volume of email that awaits you in the corporate world. These 11 tips will help you master forwards, filtering and more. Get your head in the email game Let’s face it, as…


15 Easy Ways to Lose 1 Pound in 1 Week

By Mary | 07/23/2015

msn health & fitness 1. EAT MUSTARD Mustard stimulates the metabolism and helps your body burn calories. Not to mention that 1 tablespoon of mustard contains 67 calories less than mayonnaise, making it a much healthier option.   2. BURGERS: GET RID OF THE BUNS Eating a burger without the…


10 Satisfying Snacks that Won’t Destroy Your Diet

By Mary | 07/22/2015

msn health & fitness 10 SATISFYING SNACKS THAT WON’T DESTROY YOUR DIET Snacking can certainly be healthy. It’s simply a matter of being smart and strategic about your choices and timing. “The keys to a healthy and satisfying snack are protein and fiber,” explains Jo Bartell, M.S., R.D., CDN, head of…


The 9 hottest housing markets in the world right now

By Early To Rise | 07/22/2015

Business Insider THE 9 HOTTEST HOUSING MARKETS IN THE WORLD While the growth in US home prices has slowed considerably, prices in Europe have been surging. We have complied the list of the nine hottest markets based on inflation-adjusted year-over-year price as of the first quarter of 2015, based on…


10 Ways to Improve Your Finances with Social Media

By Early To Rise | 07/22/2015

msn money UP YOUR SOCIAL GAME Twitter can make it easier to lodge a customer service complaint, and LinkedIn can help you land a new job. Facebook friends can offer encouragement when you share progress toward goals, and you can collect inspiring images of what you’re saving for on Pinterest.…


12 Great Things About Retirement

By Early To Rise | 07/22/2015

msn money 1. I’M FREE OF THE DRUG OF AMBITION Suddenly you don’t care whether or not you get promoted, and the jockeying for a better title or an office with a window seems so petty. A weight is lifted from your shoulders when you quit the rat race. Despite…


This ONE Little Shift Heals and Restores You

By Missi Holt | 07/22/2015

It’s true. There’s one little shift you can make today that will make a BIG impact and potentially change your life forever. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. I’ve done it. I’m talking about the state of mind you reside in most of the time. It directly affects…


Billion-Dollar Bloodlines: America’s Richest Families 2015

By Early To Rise | 07/21/2015

msn money Great fortunes don’t always last. New technology trumps the old, trends wane, management stumbles. Yet a few of the families who made FORBES second annual ranking of America’s Richest Families –we capped the list at 200 members this year — have withstood such challenges. Some, like the Huber…


7 Best Foods for Rapid Weight Loss

By Mary | 07/21/2015

msn health & fitness So you need to lose weight —fast! Wouldn’t it be great if life came with a magic remote control that made the bad parts speed up and the good parts slow down? You could hit FF at the beginning of every workday, and RWD at the…


24 Ways Your Office Job is Literally Killing You

By Early To Rise | 07/21/2015

msn money The stress, long hours, and sedentary nature of your modern office job are sucking the life out of you — literally. And it’s not just the tight deadlines, stress-eaten bagels, and sneezing coworkers that are doing you in. Even your keyboard can be out to get you. From…