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The Business of Bringing People Together

By Jason Holland | 02/17/2011

Michael Masterson was shocked. He was at a meeting with some heavy hitters in South America – government officials and developers who were discussing a massive housing project. When one official, Mr. X, said the project would be in the $1 billion to $10 billion range – even Michael wasn’t…


The Government Has Solar’s Back

By Christian Hill | 02/15/2011

Yesterday, I talked about the tremendous year the solar industry had in 2010. While the S&P was up nearly 20%, some companies saw gains as high as 80% and 120%. And for the first time ever, the industry installed over 1 gigawatt of capacity. Solar has a lot of momentum…


Dealing With Disappointments

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/12/2011

The $3,500 commission check you were expecting won’t be coming. The customer canceled the order.


Thank You We Recieved Your Inquiry

By Early to Rise | 02/11/2011

We have received your inquiry. A Customer Service representative will attempt to respond to your email within two business days. Please keep in mind that fluctuations in the volume of email inquiries may affect our response time. Thanks, The ETR Customer Support Team


ETR’s “Cookie Jar” Retirement Plan

By Jason Holland | 02/11/2011

How are you planning to fund your retirement? Depending on a mix of 401(k) and Social Security? Maybe a savings account? Real estate? Mutual funds?


The Language Perfectionist: A Parade of Misuses

By Don Hauptman | 02/11/2011

While listening to National Public Radio, I heard a plug for the film The King’s Speech. The announcer referred to George VI’s “impromptu ascension to the throne.” If you’ve seen this excellent movie, you know that George’s becoming king could be described in many ways, but impromptu — spontaneous, unplanned…


Money Now… and Savings for Retirement

By Jason Holland | 02/11/2011

Yesterday, I outlined a great way for you to bring in a second stream of income: starting an “info-net” business. We talk a lot about that at Early to Rise, because we believe it really is the fastest and easiest way to make extra money now and, at the same…


There Is Another Option to Working in Retirement

By Jason Holland | 02/10/2011

If you’ve been reading Early to Rise for a while, you know that traditional retirement planning — with conservative investments, 401(k)s, savings accounts, and the like — just isn’t up to snuff. Not only will you not have enough money to enjoy your “dream” lifestyle when you retire… you might…


How to Have a Better Mid-Life Crisis

By Dan Prescher | 02/9/2011

A mid-life crisis — if you fully embrace the stereotype — can be expensive. Fancy car… trophy wife… new body… new career. But — as with so many things — your buck buys you more when you take your mid-life crisis to a tropical paradise and teach it to dance…


Mexico’s Legendary Silver Belt

By Christian Hill | 02/8/2011

Yesterday, I told you about an exciting silver investment detailed in Andrew Gordon’s new special report. Andrew says this company’s stock price could gain as much as 760% this year. It has to do with where the company owns land. It has 177,000 acres in the Silver Belt — the…


Silver’s Next Jackpot

By Christian Hill | 02/7/2011

There is a lot of money to be made this year by investing in the right silver company. That’s what I learned late last week when our research director, Andrew Gordon, e-mailed me an advance copy of his latest special report. The report will be going out to members of…


So You Wanna Be an Entrepreneur…

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/5/2011

It’s hard to say which comes first – the desire to be an entrepreneur or the germ of an idea for a business. Obviously, you need both.