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Three Ways to Get Rich

By Mark Morgan Ford | 08/14/2010

Last night I watched Michael Moore’s documentary Capitalism: A Love Story. As always with his films, I found it to be entertaining propaganda.


ETR Office Buzzes with Excitement

By Laura Rodini | 08/13/2010

Whenever we start promoting our annual Info Marketing Bootcamp, the ETR office buzzes with excitement.

One reason is because we look forward to seeing a few familiar faces.

In fact, quite a few people come back to Bootcamp year after year.


Tips To A Wining Transformation Photo

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/12/2010

In last day’s post, Catherine Gordon the winner of the 2nd TT Transformation Contest referenced a video I made where I demonstrated that you can’t out train a bad diet. The key to your fat loss success is in the exercise. Over the past few weeks, Catherine touched on the…


The Language Perfectionist: Superfluous Words

By Don Hauptman | 08/12/2010

One of the basic principles of good writing is to omit unnecessary words. Conciseness beats verbosity. Consider these examples I recently encountered:


Transformation Habits That Stick

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/11/2010

Yesterday, TT Transformation Contest winner, Catherine Gordon emphasized the importance of breaking plateaus in your training. So if you missed it, then head back to read up on How to Avoid Sabotaging Your Transformation. Today, Catherine continues to share with us the keys to her success.  As the winner of…


Do More by Believing Less

By PJ McClure | 08/11/2010

“I’ve never done a deal that big,” he said.

“So what!” I said. “Just go for it. You’ve done similar deals lots of times.”


How to Avoid Sabotaging Your Transformation

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/10/2010

Hey folks…if you’ve been away from the blog for a bit, then you’ve found a great time to jump back in. Over the past week I’ve been sharing with readers the success story of TT’s 2nd ever Transformation Contest winner, Catherine Gordon. Last day, Catherine shared her thoughts on the…


Big Gains Ahead, Thanks to BP

By Bob Irish | 08/10/2010

Personally, I’m sick of BP. I don’t care if they survive. But I am interested in making money off of BP’s problems.


Tips for Gauging Your Body Transformation

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/9/2010

Over the past few days, the winner of the second ever TT Transformation Contest, Catherine Gordon, has been sharing her body transformation story with us. And whether you’re a newbie to the training scene or you’re a seasoned pro when it comes to resistance training, Catherine has undoubtedly shared some…


A True Decision

By Elle Swan | 08/9/2010

In midstream, the fundraising speech I was giving for the Hospice Foundation got away from me. I paused and the room became slow-motion silent.


Making Your Transformation Changes Stick

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/6/2010

We’re back with the winner of the 2nd TT Transformation Contest, Catherine Gordon. We learned in part 4 one of the keys to Catherine’s success was having a solid support circle around her. It may seem pretty insignificant, but you’ll understand just how important that social support is the next…


We’re Off With a Bang!

By Laura Rodini | 08/6/2010

We’re off with a bang!

We just started sending out invitations to our November Info-Marketing Bootcamp, and our entire office is already counting down the days.

This is the biggest event we hold all year. In fact, many people in the info-marketing business view this as our industry’s “flagship” conference.