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20 slow push up

Recent posts related to

20 slow push up

Thinking: It’s One of the Most Difficult Tasks We Do

By Harvey Mackay | 02/26/2010

Henry Ford once hired an efficiency expert to go through his plant. Ford directed him to find the nonproductive employees and, he said, “I will fire them!” When the expert finished his evaluation, he reported to Ford that he was particularly concerned with one of his administrators. “Every time I…


The Language Perfectionist: Redundancies Redux

By Don Hauptman | 02/26/2010

A year ago, I devoted a column to the topic of redundant expressions. This error continues to be widespread, as the following examples, recently culled from the media, demonstrate: “I have come to realize that the seeming constancy of the harbor symbolized a false myth about nature.” (The phrase false…


A Quick-Start Guide for the Internet Entrepreneur

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/25/2010

I recently got an e-mail from a man I’ll call Jim, a longtime ETR reader. His question is probably the most common one I get. If you are interested in breaking into the Internet, pay attention. What I have to say to Jim might give you the information you need…


The Top 10 Ways to Position Yourself as an Expert Using Social Media

By David Riklan | 02/24/2010

Let’s start by answering a very simple question: As a small businessperson, entrepreneur, or Internet marketer, why would you want to position yourself as an expert? The answer is very simple. Everybody trusts an expert. And, as every salesperson will tell you, individuals want to do business with people they…


Don’t Take a Chance on Luck

By Harvey Mackay | 02/22/2010

Luck seems to have a peculiar attachment to work. I’m sure that you have heard the Dave Thomas quote: “It seems the harder I work, the luckier I get.” I would tend to agree with that statement, but I think there are a few other conditions that affect your “luck”…


The Language Perfectionist: Unusual Plurals

By Don Hauptman | 02/19/2010

Headline: “Thirteen state attorney generals threaten lawsuit over Nebraska’s health care deal.” The phrase attorney generals isn’t wrong. But it’s not standard English. The approved form is attorneys general. This is one of several compounds in which the adjective follows rather than precedes the noun, and where the plural is…


Are You Wasting Your Time With Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter?

By David Riklan | 02/19/2010

Everywhere I turn, I hear about how fantastic social media is. People tell me they are spending six hours a day on Facebook. They are responding to Twitter tweets all day and all night. Facebook’s 350 million users collectively spend more than 8 billion minutes on the site each day.…


I’ve a Feeling We’ve “Bean” Here Before

By David Cross | 02/18/2010

When you click on an online ad that interests you, you expect to be presented with a way to buy that item almost immediately. Right? But far too many businesses advertising online do not give you this logical next step. For example, while perusing the BBC News website, I stumbled…


Killing Time Isn’t Murder – It’s Suicide

By Harvey Mackay | 02/17/2010

We all start out in life with one thing in common – the same number of minutes and hours in each day. That remains constant whether we live 50 years or 100 years.  So why is it that some people accomplish so much, and others, very little? One important reason,…


Business in Booms and Busts

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/16/2010

A Question for Michael Masterson: “Are you approaching business any differently in today’s economic climate? Baby boomers never experienced a severe depression or hyperinflation –therefore, I think their worldview of business is skewed.” D.M. Plano, TX Michael’s Answer: Yes, D.M., I am approaching business differently these days.


Why Peak Oil Is a Crock

By Andrew Gordon | 02/15/2010

The good news about the oil supply? Peak oil is a crock. There’s plenty of oil. It’s just harder to get to it now than it was 20 years ago. The oil is deep underground or below miles of sea or mixed with sand or in places where the underground…


Springing Yourself From the Trap of Financial Dependence

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/13/2010

Are you a doctor, lawyer, or other professional? How about a salaried employee? If so, you’re in a trap. And you’ll never get out unless you listen to me today. In my book Automatic Wealth, I talked about this “trap.” Here’s what I said… “At the end of the day,…