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20 slow push up

Recent posts related to

20 slow push up

Could This Be The Worst Ad Ever?

By Charlie Byrne | 07/11/2009

Over the past few years I’ve made a lot of good friends at the local running store here in Delray Beach. It’s where I buy my Brooks Beast running shoes… I enjoy the training runs and races they sponsor… and I get tons of good advice from them practically every…


How to Eat Rice and Pasta on a Weight-Loss Diet

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/10/2009

Almost everyone loves rice and pasta, but it’s tough to enjoy them when you’re on a diet trying to lose weight. Fortunately, it’s possible. Here’s how. First, you need to avoid the processed, “white bread” versions of rice and pasta. The whole-grain, unrefined versions take a little longer to cook,…


The Simple Secret of… Complexity?

By John Forde | 07/10/2009

Usually, the writer’s mantra is “K.I.S.S.” (Keep It Simple Stupid.) And most of the time, this rule works just fine. Yet, we also know that writing – especially the kind of writing we do in sales letters and editorially – is more and more about building relationships. And aren’t relationships…


A Little-Known Secret of the Truly Wealthy

By Mark Morgan Ford | 07/10/2009

Carlos, one of my Jiu Jitsu instructors, is living the American dream. He came to this country to compete in mixed martial arts and earn his fortune as a champion fighter. While building a stellar win-loss record, he lived on club sponsorship and fees for giving lessons. For the first…


Doing This After You Exercise Kills the Benefits

By Kelley Herring | 07/9/2009

A friend of mine spends hours in the gym each week, but hasn’t been able to get a single pound or inch to budge. Despite her clean diet (I’ve checked her cupboards) and doing the “right” kind of exercise, she can’t seem to reach her fitness goals. Why not? Looking…


Splitting Tasks Between Your Right and Left Brain

By Clayton Makepeace | 07/9/2009

Every copywriting or marketing project requires copious amounts of creative, right-brain skull sweat, plus plenty of detail-oriented, left-brain elbow grease. So when I’m fresh and full of mental energy, I focus on the creative tasks associated with the project. And when I’m running a bit low on creative juices, I…


A Non-Entrepreneurial Slap of Reality

By Howie Jacobson | 07/9/2009

My buddy – author, CEO, and consultant Peter Bregman – recently wrote a commentary for advising people to embrace the recession as a chance to reconfigure their careers to be in line with their passions. “Focus your time on what you’re truly passionate about,” he said. “Successful people are…


Bring in the Reinforcements

By Carline Anglade-Cole | 07/8/2009

I’ve just gone through a serious health scare. My 98-year-old grandmother, Mama Da, was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia. Our local family hustled to create a 24-hour care program for her. After all, why should a 98-year-old have to stay in the hospital by herself when she has children, grandchildren,…


Why You Need a Multi-Channel Approach

By Mark Morgan Ford | 07/8/2009

Retailers like Walmart, IKEA, and J. Crew reach customers with print catalogs, TV advertising, online ads, and websites. Insurance companies use telemarketing, TV and radio ads, various online channels, direct mail, and print ads. Car dealerships can be found online, in newspapers, through direct mail, and on TV. To be…


The REAL Reason You Avoid Exercise – and How to Defeat It

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/8/2009

The two main reasons people give for avoiding exercise are lack of time and lack of motivation. But those are really just politically correct answers. The truth is, most people just don’t like to do it. If you “hate” exercise, here are three ways to stay motivated and stick to…


Striding Versus Striving

By Christine Comaford | 07/8/2009

Steven sells his products directly from his website, as well as through hotels and gift shops. His revenue had gradually increased for five years, but then dipped and then plateaued last year. He tried motivating the troops, finding new sales channels, and hiring new salespeople, but nothing changed. Then Steven…


The Big Fat Vegetarianism Lie

By Ellison, M.Sc. | 07/7/2009

I’m pretty selective about what I eat. Nothing is more important to maintain good health and a slim physique than proper diet. Most of us agree on that. The argument usually arises when we attempt to define “proper diet.” Some insist on a vegetarian diet, while others proclaim meat to…