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20 slow push up

Recent posts related to

20 slow push up

A Plethora of Errors

By Don Hauptman | 06/20/2009

As a writer on language, I’m especially sensitive to mistakes I encounter while reading. They seem to leap off the page, and I gleefully seize them as potential material for this column.


High Blood Pressure? Get More of This Mineral

By Kelley Herring | 06/19/2009

High blood pressure? Drop the mercury a notch by getting more potassium in your diet. In a recent scientific review published in the Journal of Clinical Hypertension, researchers evaluated the literature for blood pressure studies on potassium, calcium, and magnesium. While all three of these nutrients help lower blood pressure, potassium was found…


What Inspires YOU to Be a Better You?

By Bob Cox | 06/19/2009

Michael Masterson has mentioned that the good and decent acts of friends, family, associates, and strangers have inspired him to make it one of his New Year’s resolutions – every year – to become a better person….


One Website… or Many?

By Bob Bly | 06/19/2009

“When selling information products on the Internet, what are the pros and cons of having a home website with more than one product and having micro-sites only for the more expensive and lengthy products vs. having a micro-site for every product?”


Celebrating Stevia’s New Status

By Dr. Ray Sahelian | 06/18/2009

Stevia is a plant whose leaves contain compounds that are more than 200 times sweeter than table sugar but have no calories. I was introduced to this natural herbal sweetener in the late 1990s by a friend.


Will Reproducing Content Hurt My Web Ranking?

By Edwin Huertas | 06/18/2009

“I’ve read that a website or blog needs original content to get ranked higher by the search engines. If I use content from ETR’s newsletters/website on my blog, will that hurt my Google ranking and keep me from getting traffic?”


How Long Can You Concentrate?

By Matt Furey | 06/18/2009

Imagine this: You’re sitting in front of your computer, working on a project. Perhaps it’s a book, an e-mail, or an article. Or you’re doing research.


The 7 Steps of a Failed Product Launch

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/18/2009

These are the seven steps of a failed product launch:


ADHD: The Cure Is in Plain Sight

By Melanie Segala | 06/17/2009

Well-meaning parents and teachers rely on psycho-stimulant drugs to deal with children who might otherwise be unmanageable. But perhaps the cause and the cure of ADHD can be found at the dinner table and in the school cafeteria.


What’s In a Name?

By John Forde | 06/17/2009

Personalized mailings were all the rage in direct marketing… back in 1975. They continue to be a staple today, online as well as off, based on the idea that no sound is sweeter than that of your own name. Given my one or two experiences with hand-shaking, name-abusing car salesman over the years, I beg to differ. (”John, what can we do to get you behind the wheel of this beauty today… John?”)


How to Eliminate the Word FAIL From Your Vocabulary

By Paul Smithson | 06/17/2009

Do you ever wonder why some people succeed at almost every challenge they take on, while others never seem to be able to get out of the starting blocks? There are four major reasons why people FAIL – and they very neatly spell out the word itself.


The Fatal Flaw in “Winning” Deals

By Julie Broad | 06/17/2009

Years ago, I spent several months backpacking around Guatemala. As my Spanish improved, I enjoyed going to markets to bargain for Mayan souvenirs or fresh fruit. My goal was to pay the same price as a local. I was having fun playing this little game until my new Australian friend witnessed me in action, bargaining for a beautiful hammock. As I was walking away because the vendor wouldn’t lower her price a little more, my friend said, “You realize that you are getting all worked up over what is about 10 cents. At home, you would pay 50 times that much for a hammock like that, so this is a great deal.”