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20 slow push up

Recent posts related to

20 slow push up

How to Profit From the Coming Boom in Inflation

By Ted Peroulakis | 03/19/2009

Investors around the world are still standing in line to buy our short-term government securities. But China’s exports have plummeted, so they no longer have money to lend us. And oil prices have dropped sharply, so OPEC doesn’t have as much to lend us.


Mercury for Breakfast

By Matt Furey | 03/19/2009

One drop of mercury is supposed to be enough to contaminate an entire lake. And exposure to mercury has been connected with serious neurological disorders, including autism and Alzheimer’s. But I guess it’s okay for the fillings in your teeth – as well as our food supply. NOT!


What Keeps Your Customer Up at Night?

By John Forde | 03/19/2009

Fear – the deeply felt kind – is personal and immediate. The fear of disabling disease. The fear of public speaking. The fear of not surviving this current market crunch… or making a terrible investment.


How to Get Your Business in the News

By Early To Rise | 03/18/2009

Coverage by the media can give a great boost to your business. But reporters and editors are a picky lot. Here are six ways to convince them your “story” is worthy of a mention.


Stressed? Try Vagus

By Kelley Herring | 03/18/2009

Stress increases dangerous inflammatory factors called cytokines… damages the hippocampus, causing memory loss and mood disorders… reduces the brain’s ability to repair itself… increases abdominal fat… interferes with thyroid function… and even increases the stickiness of the blood (which can lead to dangerous clots).


The Importance of Being Urgent

By Rich Schefren | 03/18/2009

Successful entrepreneurs look at practically every moment of every day as a challenge -and they attack it accordingly. This need for achievement motivates them to turn their ideas into action.
On the other end of the spectrum are “passive” entrepreneurs. They live every day pursuing their dreams safely, never taking risks or pushing the envelope, and hoping something good will happen.


Foreclosure Investing: How to Wholesale

By Jeff Adams | 03/18/2009

As a real estate investor, you can stand to make serious amounts of money. But these days, with 5.4 million Americans behind on their mortgage payments and pending home sales dropping, you might think real estate is a bad bet.


How to Make Your Ideas More Valuable

By Paul Lawrence | 03/17/2009

“Adam” seems like a nice guy. He subscribes to Early to Rise, and, in a recent e-mail, said he is especially interested in my articles about how to get into the movie business. He said that he doesn’t have time to try to get into the movie business himself, but he has tons of ideas. So he would like to offer his ideas to me – and, if I wanted to do something with them, he would get a percentage of whatever money they brought in.


The Law of Forced Efficiency

By Brian Tracy | 03/17/2009

The law of forced efficiency says: “There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing.” The fact is that the average person today is working at 110-130 percent of capacity. And the jobs and responsibilities just keep piling up. One recent study concluded that the average executive has a backlog of 300-400 hours of reading and projects at home and at the office.


A Guilty Glance Inside Your Prospect’s Bedroom

By Clayton Makepeace | 03/17/2009

Right now, our prospective customers are experiencing some of the most intense and contradictory emotions they’ve had in their entire lives. The saner ones blame their financial problems on decisions made by the White House, Congress, the Treasury, and the Fed for the last couple of decades. Others – those with a more tenuous grip on reality – blame “those greedy bankers” for having the unmitigated gall to actually approve every loan and credit card application they ever submitted.


Wasting Time and Money With Customer Service

By Jason Holland | 03/16/2009

My cellphone plan includes free text messaging. But on last month’s bill, there was a charge for two of the dozens of messages I sent – for a total of about 50 cents.I called the company and, as you might expect, spent an hour or so on hold, being transferred, and explaining my gripe to a succession of reps.When I hung up, it occurred to me: That hour of my time could have been much better spent.


Did Malcolm Gladwell Rip Me Off?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 03/16/2009

I’m a big fan of Malcolm Gladwell. His books, especially The Tipping Point, have validated many of my long-held business philosophies. But when his new book, Outliers, came out a few months ago, I started getting e-mails from friends and colleagues with disturbing news.