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20 slow push up

Recent posts related to

20 slow push up

Commodities Falling, but Prices Are Not

By Rick Pendergraft | 08/28/2008

Commodity prices (especially oil, gold, and silver) have been falling sharply since July 15. Unfortunately, prices at the producer level and the consumer level are still rising.


The Skill That Can Make You Rich

By Suzanne Richardson | 08/28/2008

How’d you like to make $1.49 million a year… or more? There is a way, and it’s simpler than you may think. Learn how to sell.

Michael Masterson has been saying it for years: Knowing how to sell is one of the most financially valued skills you can possibly have. And here’s the proof. According to research from AdAge and executive-compensation research firm Equilar (reported by, high-level marketers earned an average of $1.49 million in 2007. (That includes salary, bonuses, stock options, and stock awards.)


Swedish Weight-Loss Secret

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/27/2008

No, the Swedish weight-loss secret is not “Stop eating Swedish meatballs.” What the Swedes have discovered is online weight-loss programs.


The Urgency Conundrum

By Bob Cox | 08/27/2008

A business associate of mine used to fax me on a regular basis. (This was before e-mail.) And every darn fax said URGENT at the top in big bold letters. At first, I found it curious. And then, it became annoying.


Breaking Down an “Obvious” Rule of Investing

By Andrew Gordon | 08/27/2008

Invest in strong sectors. Avoid weak ones.

This seems obvious, yes? But too often, people invest in weak sectors and avoid strong ones. Here are some of the culprits behind this backward thinking:


How to Break Into the $20 Billion “Look and Feel Younger” Market

By Marc Charles | 08/27/2008

Aging baby boomers, who are retiring in droves these days, are fueling a $20 billion mega-market because they want to look and feel younger.

The market I’m talking about is nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals. And you can make a lot of money selling these products on the Internet or by direct mail – even if you have limited capital to invest.


The Exhilarating Company of Positive Minds

By Early To Rise | 08/26/2008

“I have learned from reading ETR that it is mighty exhilarating to be in the company of thinking, positive, innovative minds that would welcome me in their midst and challenge me to leap and grow.


A Non-Obvious Way to Build Your E-List

By Bob Bly | 08/26/2008

Internet marketers are always looking for new ways to build their e-lists quickly and at an affordable cost. So let me tell you about an under-used, non-obvious technique for adding new subscribers to your opt-in list. Using it, I added over 500 new subscribers to my e-list in just a few days – and these were buyers, not just prospects.


If You’re a Smoker… Eat This!

By Kelley Herring | 08/26/2008

We all know that smoking is bad for your health. But whether you’re a secondhand smoker or are still trying to beat your addiction, there’s something you can add to your diet to help negate the nasty cancer-causing effects. Watercress.


Dear ETR: Will Baby Boomers Cause a Stock Market Crash?

By Early To Rise | 08/26/2008

“As the baby boomers retire, will the selling of their 401(k)s for retirement income have a downward effect on the stock market for many years to come? At 52, I don’t want to take another major hit. What will happen to the stock market as the population ages? I feel I have all my eggs in the same basket as everyone else.”


Shooting Yourself in the Foot in Business

By Jason Holland | 08/26/2008

I hadn’t read that particular letter, but I was familiar with the subject. Readers, as well as customers who attend our conferences, ask Michael and other ETR experts this type of thing all the time: How can they patent their invention (which is “going to change the world as we know it”), copyright their e-book, password-protect their website, trademark their business name, and so on.


Are You an Information Addict?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 08/25/2008

I hadn’t seen Dave in almost 20 years. He was my dentist when we moved to Boca Raton in the early 1980s. He continued to take care of K and the kids after we moved to Delray Beach 10 years later, but I opted for dental care closer to home.