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4 hour body + Tim ferries

Recent posts related to

4 hour body + Tim ferries

Your Time Is Valuable

By David Cross | 06/21/2008

Time and multitasking. Potentially a ball and chain to every entrepreneur. Just how many plates can you spin on sticks before they start to topple or you start to perform at less than your peak mental and physical level? Yet many entrepreneurs find delegating or outsourcing tasks difficult. We think…


t’s Fun to Know: The Largest Eyes in the World

By Early To Rise | 06/21/2008

New Zealand scientists have discovered what are believed to be the largest eyes found on any animal in the world. The peepers in question measure nearly 11 inches in diameter and belong to a colossal squid, a species first discovered in 2003.


Runners Need Strength Training

By Craig Ballantyne | 06/21/2008

Runners are notorious for trying anything to improve performance, from eating “power gel” to buying space-aged shoes. But most runners are missing one key performance booster: strength training.


The Book on Bears and Bulls

By Andrew Gordon | 06/21/2008

"The average man doesn’t wish to be told that it is a bull or a bear market. What he desires is to be told specifically which particular stock to buy or sell. He wants to get something for nothing. He does not wish to work. He doesn’t even wish to…


Why You Should Never Lean on Your Lectern

By Peter Fogel | 06/20/2008

Why do so many speakers lean on the lectern while giving a speech or PowerPoint presentation?


What’s the Cure for a Sick Economy?

By Andrew Gordon | 06/20/2008

Take my word for it. We’re in a recession. It affects you as an investor and as a consumer. Is there anything that can bring us out of this economic tailspin? It’s time to ask a few questions about the leading candidates.


Word to the Wise: Deus ex Machina

By Early To Rise | 06/20/2008

In ancient Greek drama, the "deus ex machina" – from the Greek for "god from the machine" – was a god introduced into the action, by means of a crane, in order to resolve the plot. Today, we use the term to refer to someone or something that unexpectedly appears…


This Thing’ll Kill Ya

By Craig Ballantyne | 06/20/2008

It should come as no surprise that ETR, a newsletter on how to get “healthy, wealthy, and wise,” doesn’t recommend watching TV. We all know that TV is detrimental to productivity. Even worse, it sets us up to eat junk food and increase our waistlines.


It’s Good to Know: The Ultra-Portable Water Purifier

By Early To Rise | 06/20/2008

A Danish company has produced a water filter that removes 99 percent of water-borne pathogens.


Boost Your Metabolism With Coconut

By Kelley Herring | 06/17/2008

Certain foods ratchet your metabolism into high gear, helping to burn more calories and give you more energy.


Living Rich: 5 Classic Jazz Albums

By Jason Holland | 06/17/2008

It doesn’t matter if you’re a millionaire, a billionaire, or barely scraping by – everyone can listen to the exact same music. Audiophiles might disagree and swear that thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment is necessary for true enjoyment. Still, anyone can buy a CD (or MP3 online) and be affected by a piece of music in the same way.


How to Sell With Statistics

By Bob Bly | 06/17/2008

The great thing about statistics is that you can use them to support almost any sales point you want to make in your promotion.