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7 day fat loss routine

Recent posts related to

7 day fat loss routine

It’s Fun to Know: Is that Pint Really a Pint?

By Early To Rise | 07/10/2008

The next time you order a pint of your favorite frosty brew at a pub or restaurant, check out the glass. You might be getting shortchanged. In response to rising costs, some establishments have turned to raising beer prices and (shudder) substituting traditional 16-ounce pint glasses with 14-ouncers, known as…


5 Ways to Grow Rich in Tough Economic Times

By Early To Rise | 07/8/2008

Issue #2402 WEALTHY: What’s most likely to make you a bundle in the next two years?  (Clayton Makepeace) HEALTHY: 3 reasons to waste less food (2 of them might surprise you!) (Judith Strauss) WISE: General Douglas MacArthur on opportunity ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Should you worry about how much your…


5 Ways to Grow (Very) Rich in Tough Economic Times

By Clayton Makepeace | 07/8/2008

Let’s say you own a business and you’re trying to decide what kinds of products you should be developing. Or you’re a copywriter trying to select the clients and projects most likely to make you a bundle over the next year or so. Right off the bat, you know it isn’t going to be easy.


Networking Mistake: Using Jargon Without Thinking

By Ilise Benun | 07/8/2008

If you were at a work-related function in, say, New York or Chicago, would you address people in Portuguese? Probably not. But you’d be surprised by how many businesspeople lapse into foreign “languages.” I’m talking about using technical or industry-specific jargon.


Word to the Wise: Claque

By Early To Rise | 07/8/2008

A “claque” (KLAK) – from the French for “clap” – is a group of fawning admirers, sometimes hired to applaud at a performance.


It’s Fun to Know: The Largest Mall in the World

By Early To Rise | 07/8/2008

The 7-million-square-foot South China Mall in Dongguan, China is the largest in the world


ETR Insider Report: The Only Number That Really Matters

By Suzanne Richardson | 07/8/2008

If you could be a fly on the wall at ETR, there’s no telling what kind of valuable information you could pick up. Just the other day, in fact, MaryEllen revealed a small but powerful piece of advice… something that could change your whole perspective on marketing.


Qi Gong for Stress Reduction and More

By Dr. Jonny Bowden | 07/7/2008

Three decades ago, Herbert Benson, MD, the pioneering doctor who helped introduce the concept of mind-body medicine to the U.S., studied qi gong while he was researching what he termed “the relaxation response.” He concluded that to reach a state of deep relaxation, all you have to do is control your body, your breathing, and your mind.


Word to the Wise: Adumbrate

By Early To Rise | 07/7/2008

To “adumbrate” (uh-DUM-brate) – from the Latin for “shadow” – is to foreshadow or give a sketchy outline.


SEO Don’t: Using Fancy Flash Designs for Your Site

By Alexis Siemon | 07/7/2008

If your designer or Web development firm suggests a cool Flash design, resist the temptation and say no.

decide between

How to Decide Between Two Equally Good Things

By Mark Morgan Ford | 07/7/2008

My son came to me with a question: how do I decide between two jobs that are equally as great looking and sounding? This is what I said.


t’s Good to Know: Music Seizures

By Early To Rise | 07/7/2008

Musicogenic epilepsy is a rare condition (only 150 cases have ever been reported) in which sufferers have seizures when they hear certain types of music.