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abs training for 50 years old

Recent posts related to

abs training for 50 years old

Choose Purpose Over Perfection!

By Missi Holt | 05/16/2016

Seeking our purpose in this world can be a significant driving factor in our lives. Here are specific steps to help find purpose. Even though understanding our purpose is a goal many aspire to, we live in a time where perfection is highly valued. Have you ever set a goal and…


Is There a Good Vs. Bad Time to Eat Carbs?

By Missi Holt | 05/13/2016

Eating carbs is a hot topic, but if you’ve decided to make peace with good ‘ol carbohydrates then your most burning question might still be about timing… “Is there a good vs. bad time to eat carbs?” It’s a valid question to which I have an answer. But don’t hate…


4 New Workouts to Keep Cardio Interesting

By Missi Holt | 05/11/2016

Cardiovascular exercise is one of the most popular forms of exercise. Whether you’re a walker, runner, hiker, biker, step-aerobics queen, or HIIT fanatic, we L O V E our cardio — which is good because it’s an important part of a healthy mind, strong body and balanced exercise program. It…


The 8 Rules of Cooking For a Crowd

By Gui Alinat | 05/11/2016

Are you a crowd-feeder? As a chef who owns a fine-dining catering company in Tampa, Florida, I am. We serve elegant dinners for groups ranging from 10 to 350 people. So we know a crowd when we see one. At home, it’s the same thing. Trust me, when we cook…


Sweet & Savory Fat-Burning Thai Curry (Gluten-Free!)

By Gui Alinat | 05/9/2016

Since you can’t get enough of them, here’s another easy, fat-burning, gluten-free, one-pot recipe. The beauty with one-pot recipes is that you end up with minimal cleanup and more time to play. And who can say no to that? Plus, this is a lovely curry. Sweet and savory at the…


This One’s For You, Mom

By Missi Holt | 05/9/2016

Appreciation is an expression of gratitude — an opportunity to pause, reflect, and acknowledge the impact that people, places, and things have made on your life. Appreciation for loved ones raises your consciousness to the gift of their presence — the pleasures, the challenges, and the insights they bring to…


Guilt-Free, Chocolate Bourbon Brownies

By Gui Alinat | 05/6/2016

  I know, I know. A chocolate bourbon brownie sounds too decadent to be healthy. But this guilt free, delicious chocolate dessert will make a believer out of you. Make no mistake about it; this bourbon-infused chocolate brownie is so high in fiber and vitamins that it’s like eating vegetables. In…


Salsa Recipe Made Simple

By Gui Alinat | 05/4/2016

Irresistibly, we all envision a salsa to be tropical, colorful, somewhat spicy, and so festive! With the right salsa recipe, it can be. There are so many kinds of salsa you can make. From the Mexican Salsa Roja or Salsa Verde, to the Southwestern Avocado-Grilled Corn-Chili, and the Caribbean inspired…


Awesome New Workout!

By Missi Holt | 05/4/2016

It’s so easy to get stuck in the same routine — especially with your favorite exercises. Today I have a whole new circuit to shake things up, boost your metabolism, and keep your workouts exciting. It’s all just a “spin and pin” away! Using your favorite challenging workout moves you…


10 Benefits of Dairy for Health and Weight Loss

By Gui Alinat | 04/29/2016

Dairy elimination diets are all the rage these days. The common wisdom seems to be that if you want to lose weight it’s time to switch milk for soy, and ditch the cheese and ice cream. If the prospect of this makes you want to cry, have no fear! There are…


How to Really Shine This Summer – Start Now!

By Missi Holt | 04/29/2016

Though spring has arrived, many of us will miss out on the beauty that is blooming all around because we are too concerned with getting that perfect summer body. Ugh! Every year it’s the same. Poor body image is a thief. It steals our time, energy, and joy. It can…


Will Not Eat Green Eggs and Ham? Try This Green Egg Recipe Instead!

By Gui Alinat | 04/25/2016

On Wednesday, my good friend and Editor of Early to Rise Craig Ballantyne is hosting a free coaching webinar to teach you his 3 Secrets for Having the Perfect Day. So to help you out, I want to give you the recipe to start your Perfect Day with a good breakfast.…