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airline travel

Recent posts related to

airline travel

Testimonials from our free newsletter subscribers

By Early to Rise | 08/17/2009

If you would like to give us a testimonial please fill out the form below and let us know what you think about our free newsletter! We’re grateful that you are a part of our publication and we love to hear good feedback from our readers. Post your testimonial below:…

Maximum Productivity

Your Perfect Day! How to Allocate Your Hours for Maximum Productivity

By Mark Morgan Ford | 08/17/2009

To find maximum productivity, copy this weekday schedule that has been proven to work for high-performers and watch your goals fall into place.


Learn How To “How To”

By David Cross | 08/14/2009

One of the most daunting things about starting your own Internet business is the idea of creating regular, unique content for your website. You can raise your eyebrows and sigh. It’s okay. But you are going to need this fresh content if you want to get anywhere with search engines.…


Solving the Marketing Model Mystery

By Clayton Makepeace | 08/13/2009

It’s your lucky day: You’ve found a great product to promote. Maybe it’s a client’s product. Maybe it’s your own. And because your discovery possesses the six qualities direct-response homeruns share, you suspect you just might be looking at a grand slam: This product delivers benefits your prospects already want.…


What Is Your “Elephant Tether”?

By Bob Cox | 08/12/2009

Did you know that elephants are trained to stay where they are by tying a rope around one of their massive legs and attaching it to a peg in the ground? Can the peg and rope really hold back an elephant? Absolutely not! Then why does it work? Because elephants…


The Best Way to Get Customers

By Paul Lawrence | 08/11/2009

My car was embarrassingly dirty. I had been too busy to take it in to be washed, let alone do it myself. So when I found a business card on my windshield for a car washing service, I was interested. I looked around the parking lot. Only dirty cars had…


The Most Powerful Asset Protection Tool in the World

By Charles Newcastle | 08/7/2009

The wealthiest families in the world utilize a powerful legal tool to protect their assets. More important, it can be used by people who are in the process of building wealth. People like you. The tool is called transference. In particular, “risk transference.” Risk transference: 1. Identifies the risk of…


Protect Yourself From the Flu … and the Vaccine

By Melanie Segala | 08/6/2009

Media chatter about the expected flu pandemic has been ramping up lately. Could it be because of “Big Pharma”? Pharmaceutical giants like Baxter and Novartis are preparing for mass inoculations against H1N1 (swine) flu by this fall. A while back, a batch of Baxter’s seasonal flu vaccine was “accidentally” contaminated…


Yes It’s True! You Must Know How to Write Strong, Persuasive Copy

By Rebecca Matter | 08/5/2009

I’ve been on my soapbox for some time now saying that if Internet marketers don’t learn to write for the web, they’re leaving money on the table. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying you need to be a full-fledged copywriter before you start writing for your Internet business.…


Is Marketing Cheating?

By Early to Rise | 08/4/2009

Is marketing cheating? MW seems to think so. In particular, she has a problem with a marketing technique that has become known as “The Instant Amazon Bestseller Formula.” She didn’t accuse me outright of lying for saying that my recent book is an “Amazon bestseller.” Nor should she, considering the…


My Most Powerful Success Secret

By Mark Morgan Ford | 08/3/2009

Today I want to share with you the single, most powerful wealth-and-success-building secret I have ever learned. It is a secret you can take advantage of immediately. Learn it today and by tomorrow you could be a distinctly more powerful person. Apply it to your financial goals (and I’ll show…


The Language Perfectionist: The Perfect Blend

By Don Hauptman | 08/1/2009

You hear and use them every day, perhaps without realizing why they’re special. I’m referring to what linguists call blends: new words created via the marriage of two other words. Familiar words of this type include the computer term bit (binary + digit), brunch (breakfast + lunch), smog (smoke +…