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amazing fat loss transformations men

Recent posts related to

amazing fat loss transformations men

This ONE Little Shift Heals and Restores You

By Missi Holt | 07/22/2015

It’s true. There’s one little shift you can make today that will make a BIG impact and potentially change your life forever. Sound too good to be true? It’s not. I’ve done it. I’m talking about the state of mind you reside in most of the time. It directly affects…


Billion-Dollar Bloodlines: America’s Richest Families 2015

By Early To Rise | 07/21/2015

msn money Great fortunes don’t always last. New technology trumps the old, trends wane, management stumbles. Yet a few of the families who made FORBES second annual ranking of America’s Richest Families –we capped the list at 200 members this year — have withstood such challenges. Some, like the Huber…


7 Best Foods for Rapid Weight Loss

By Mary | 07/21/2015

msn health & fitness So you need to lose weight —fast! Wouldn’t it be great if life came with a magic remote control that made the bad parts speed up and the good parts slow down? You could hit FF at the beginning of every workday, and RWD at the…


24 Ways Your Office Job is Literally Killing You

By Early To Rise | 07/21/2015

msn money The stress, long hours, and sedentary nature of your modern office job are sucking the life out of you — literally. And it’s not just the tight deadlines, stress-eaten bagels, and sneezing coworkers that are doing you in. Even your keyboard can be out to get you. From…


Keep Your Peaches Upside-Down and 9 Other Tips for Storing Summer Produce

By Early To Rise | 07/21/2015

MSN Food & Drink: Here’s how to store some of summer’s most popular fruits and vegetables.   BERRIES There are two key secrets to keeping berries fresher longer. First, kill any bacteria that may be on their surfaces (and could contribute to spoilage) by washing the berries in a solution that…


3 Tricks for ALL-Day Energy

By Missi Holt | 07/20/2015

This past weekend I was able to spend lots of quality time with my girlfriends and even a great hike in the mountains. Getting up to the hills is one of the ways I recharge my batteries and connect with my spirituality. Think for a moment what recharges you in life,…


How This Woman Gave Up Processed Food for a Year—On a $16,780 Salary

By Early To Rise | 07/17/2015

Cooking Light: We all know it’s healthier to “eat clean”—but convenient packaged foods, and weird ingredients seem to lurk everywhere. Just ask Megan Kimble. The Tucson-based food writer spent an entire year avoiding all processed foods, a daunting challenge she chronicles in her new book, Unprocessed ($16, As a…


5 Absolute Worst Things You Can Add To Your Coffee

By Mary | 07/17/2015

msn health and fitness Our love affair with coffee certainly isn’t a bad thing. The stuff’s been shown to boost memory, mood, and heart health, and even lower the risk of diabetes. The problem is all the sugary, artificial, toxic crap you—or your obedient barista—use to make your morning mud…


24 Natural Weapons That Fight Belly Fat

By Mary | 07/17/2015

msn health and fitness WATER Ideally you should drink half a gallon of water every day, in order to cleanse and detox your body. If you’re looking to flatten your tummy, be sure to stay away from sparkling water because it can cause bloating. GREEN TEA Green tea helps banish…


3 Ways Your Dietary Choices Keep You Looking Young

By Missi Holt | 07/17/2015

It’s truly amazing what you can achieve with simple dietary choices. Health, physique, and beauty is an “inside-out” type of deal (oh boy, I could get real deep on that note, but I won’t!) The dietary choices you make every day will positively or negatively affect your health which has…


How to Become a Money Making Guru: Part 3

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/17/2015

Welcome back for our third instalment of my How to Become a Money Making Guru series with my good friend Bedros Keuilian. Listen to this call here. Craig: Hey, this is Craig Ballantyne from and and I am back with Part 3 of the most amazing How to…


7 Ways To Lose Weight After 50

By Mary | 07/17/2015

msn health & fitness While 50 may be the new 30, there are some physiological truths that can still make you look and feel like 50—especially when it comes to losing weight. All those years of playing sports, sitting, walking up and down stairs, and moving in general take its…