Recent posts related to

becoming independently wealthy

Recent posts related to

becoming independently wealthy

A Little-Known Hero in the Battle Against Aging

By James B. LaValle | 02/17/2009

One of the primary causes of problems related to aging – not just the outward signs of aging but also cataracts, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, atherosclerosis, etc. – is oxidative stress, where the immune system has more free radicals than it can handle.


The High-Speed, Low-Cost Catalyst

By Robert Ringer | 02/17/2009

Time is your ally when you take action. But time is a two-sided coin. If you hesitate or procrastinate, time becomes your worst enemy. As a general rule, I assume that if I take action perceived problems will tend to disappear – and that the more I hesitate, the more time I give new obstacles to come on the scene.


I’m looking for ways to supplement my primary income

By Mark Morgan Ford | 02/17/2009

I have a strong background in Corporate Finance, and I’m looking for ways to supplement my primary income or to transition into my own business. Most of your recommendations are for people with sales and marketing backgrounds. Do you have suggestions for someone with more quantitative skills and experience?”


2 Unlikely Sources of Fat-Loss Advice

By Craig Ballantyne | 02/16/2009

Recently, I came across two quotes that are unlikely sources of fat-loss advice. The first is from legendary real estate speculator Frank McKinney: “Figure yourself out. Spend time in introspection.” The other is the title of a coaching program from Dan Sullivan: “Discover your strengths.”


Do Your Personal Goals Take a Back Seat to Work?

By Bob Cox | 02/16/2009

Early in my career I became quite adept at setting a schedule for my workday and sticking to it. This “time tasking” made me very efficient and productive. But I had a heck of a time doing the same when it came to my personal and social goals. I was so involved in moving my business and financial goals forward, I simply ignored the rest. And because of that, I wasn’t making my time outside of work count for much of anything!


Talking Trash About Customers

By Jason Holland | 02/13/2009

If you run a business where your employees interact with customers, clients, business partners, vendors, etc. (pretty much any business), you must have a zero-tolerance policy for “trash talking.” Employees should put on a public face when anyone outside the company is around. No gossiping, no insulting comments about former associates… nothing negative.


A Taste of Advice Marathon Runners Hate

By Craig Ballantyne | 02/13/2009

Most aspiring marathon runners are smart enough not to buy a beat-up used car for $300 and try to drive it across America non-stop. But they have no problem taking their overweight, used up, beat-up, weak bodies and trying to run 26.2 miles in under 4 hours.


Products to Help You Start and Run an Internet Business

By Early To Rise | 02/13/2009

Thanks for the great question. I know that there is a lot of opportunity out there – and trying to figure out where to focus your learning can be a challenge.


What the Latest Shift in Search Engine Rankings Means for Your Site

By Edwin Huertas | 02/13/2009

The world of search engine optimization (SEO) is in an uproar these days. If you have an Internet-based business, you need to know what’s going on – and how you can take advantage of it.


Stocks May Not Be Cheap Enough Yet – and Here’s Why

By keith-fitz-gerald | 02/11/2009

According to Michael T. Darda, Chief Economist for MKM Partners LLC, stock analysts have overestimated earnings by an average of 30 percent to 35 percent in the last three recessions. For millions of investors who use low P/E ratios as a litmus test for selecting stocks, that’s got to be a rather unpleasant shock.


Business “Don’ts” for Difficult Times

By John Forde | 02/9/2009

You can’t open a newspaper, flip on the television, or open an Internet page these days without seeing something about the current economic crisis.


Harmless Pastime – or Insidious Time Suck?

By Suzanne Richardson | 02/9/2009

Video games are big business. When a Sony Playstation comes out… when the Nintendo Wii was finally released… every time a new version of Halo hits the market… Video gaming makes national news.