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bedros keuilian

The World’s Most Powerful Women 2015

By Mary | 06/26/2015

MSN Money: RANK DETERMINED BY MONEY, MEDIA MOMENTUM, INFLUENCE AND IMPACT. The 2015 Most Powerful Women list features eight heads of state (plus one monarch) who run nations with a combined GDP of $9 trillion and a total population of over 600 million — including the newly elected Polish Prime…


10 Top Foods That Might be Causing Cancer

By Early to Rise | 06/26/2015

Last year over 1.5 million people were diagnosed with cancer. But few people stop to think about if the foods they are eating contain deadly carcinogens or are harming them in a way that might cause cancer. We all eat. Is what you are eating killing you? BDN 1. Highly…


5 Reasons You Should Sleep Naked Tonight

By Mary | 06/26/2015

MSN Health & Fitness: IT’LL HELP YOU DE-STRESS According to The Huffington Post, sleeping naked lowers cortisol — known as the “stress hormone” — as cortisol secretion is activated when you’re feeling under pressure. When your body is truly resting and recuperating (between 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.) is when…


5 Things You Should Never Do Before You Work Out

By Mary | 06/25/2015

msn health and fitness Craft a killer playlist. Get dressed in your workout best. Perform a light warm-up. You know what to do to get ready for an awesome workout. But there are some things you should never—and we mean never, ever—do before a workout. Like these five workout-wrecking mistakes: 1.…


Homemade Protein Bars That Boost Energy and Help You Lose Weight

By Mary | 06/25/2015

Check the back of many store-bought protein bars and you’ll find a list of ingredients that looks like it belongs in a science experiment. Save the extra -ols and isolates for the lab and make these recipes at home instead. These dessert-inspired bars have at least eight grams of protein…


The 6 Best Arm Exercises for Women

By Early To Rise | 06/25/2015

Best Health: How to get started What to lift: For dumbbell exercises, use five- to 10-pound (two- to five- kilogram) weights. Once you can easily do 12 repetitions, try heavier weights. The repetitions: Complete one to two sets of eight to 12 repetitions for each of the exercises you do.…


How to Gain a Sense of Your Own Mortality

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/25/2015

I woke up this morning in pain again. I injured my shoulder wrestling a few weeks ago, and it doesn’t seem to be healing. Certainly not as fast as it would have healed when I was in my 30s.

This is one of the many execrable things that happen to you when you reach 60. But it’s hardly the worst.


5 Healthy Starbucks Secret Menu Items

By Mary | 06/24/2015

msn health and fitness 1. Blueberry Protein Smoothie Many of Starbucks’ smoothies include sugar-filled sauces, juices and purees that won’t do your waistline or health any favors. So instead of ordering one of the smoothies the coffee chain has concocted, grab a pack or two of blueberries from the refrigerator…


Breaking Down Matcha: What It Is and How to Actually Make It at Home

By Mary | 06/24/2015

StyleCaster Not yet trumping avocado toast in its visual Instagram-worthiness but definitely as talked about (especially in those quaint cafes you pass on the way to work), matcha may have worked itself into that “superfood” category. But if you haven’t heard specifics about it (like, um, what it actually is),…

productivity tools

9 Free Business Productivity Tools For Startups

By Early To Rise | 06/24/2015

A list of the best free productivity tools for your start up, including,,,, and more.


23 Reasons Why You Will Always Be Poor

By Early To Rise | 06/24/2015

MSN Money: Many North Americans are clearly not experts at managing their own finances and end up broke month after month. The cycle of overspending leaves them poor, even if their income means they are considered well above the poverty line. A third of higher-income households — those that bring…


The One Thing We All Want to Know

By Rachel Macy Stafford | 06/24/2015

I recently attended an informational meeting for fifth grade parents at the middle school my daughter will be attending this fall. After swallowing the lump in my throat caused by the undeniable reality of why I was sitting there, I settled in to absorb everything the staff had to offer…