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black swan

Recent posts related to

black swan

Red Quinoa, Artichokes, and Parsley Salad

By Gui Alinat | 04/22/2016

For the 7 to 8 days of Passover, Jewish families are celebrating freedom from slavery and flight from Egypt. And it all starts with the Seder, where the story of the exodus is told, and elaborate food and wine customs take place. Artichokes and parsley are both staples of Jewish…


How Walking May Just Be the Key to Your Weight Loss

By Missi Holt | 04/20/2016

These days, messaging around which exercise program to follow can be awfully confusing… even I have scratched my head at some of the tactics used to ‘motivate’ people to adopt or discard certain forms of exercise. The truth is, there is no one size fits all approach to fitness. Case…


Friday’s Funny Workout

By Craig Ballantyne | 04/15/2016

oops, totally forgot this in Wednesday’s Jane Fonda workout update! I meant to give you a short 2-minute fat burning finisher to demonstrate the power of putting Turbulence on your muscles to activate the Afterburn Fat Signal. So here goes… Friday’s Funny Fat Burning Finisher – Do not rest between…


Super Easy Enchiladas Burn Belly Flab Fast

By Gui Alinat | 04/15/2016

Enchiladas are so good. Cheesy goodness with a note of spicy. Technically, they’re easy to make, right? Just roll some tortilla around a filling of meat, cheese, beans, vegetables, or a combination. Smother with a chili sauce, top with cheese, and bake. Really, it only takes a few minutes to…


Never Eat A Boring Meal Again – I Love this 3-Step Formula

By Missi Holt | 04/15/2016

Inspired by a recent post from my colleague, Chef Gui, I decided to play around with his 3-step formula to create some fun dips, dinner toppers, and snack spreads of my own… Chef is an incredibly creative and passionate food writer, author, and Master of the Kitchen – he’s always…


10 Herbs For An Easy Kitchen Garden

By Gui Alinat | 04/11/2016

I wasn’t much of a gardener. But I’m a chef and herbs grew on me out of necessity. Wherever you live, if you can manage to grow your own herbs, then a whole bounty of flavors become available to you, and that’s a fantastic thing. If you’re trying to lose…


Fool Your Kids Into Eating Veggies!

By Missi Holt | 04/1/2016

While I’m a big fan of pulling fun and harmless pranks for April Fools Day, I also think it’s very important to be straightforward and honest with kids when it comes to their health. Nutrition plays a big part in feeling good and being healthy and that’s why parents make…


The 4 Tricks To Hack Ramen Noodles

By Gui Alinat | 04/1/2016

Instant ramen isn’t exactly health food. In fact, it’s rather bad. Mainly because it’s full of sodium, fat, and starch that can’t possibly help your fat-burning efforts. But it’s easy to hack. If you think about it, it only takes 4 tricks to do the job: #1 Ditch the flavoring…


My Kids’ Favorite Pizza Recipe

By Gui Alinat | 03/29/2016

This is a recipe I am proud of: The Fat-Burning Pizza. It’s just an absolute favorite for my children and the rest of my family, and I’m sure yours will also be amazed. That recipe has allowed many of my clients and readers to indulge in a great tasting pizza,…


A Fat-Burning Farewell to Winter Comfort Food (Recipe Included!)

By Gui Alinat | 03/25/2016

Spring is here and this is — at least in Florida where I reside — one of the last cold fronts of the season. It’s been horrible wearing socks with our flip-flops down here. Glad it’s almost over. Although along with winter came casseroles and stews, hearty soups for the…


Chocolate Dessert (Paleo-Friendly!)

By Gui Alinat | 03/23/2016

If you’re trying to lose weight, your sweet tooth might be feeling deprived with a lack of dessert options. And if you’re following a Paleo diet, you might have resigned yourself that desserts are off limits altogether. That couldn’t be further from the truth.  You don’t have to deprive yourself…


Win No Matter What with My March Madness Workouts!

By Missi Holt | 03/16/2016

“The Big Dance” has arrived and with it the opportunity to become a Champion… of Fitness, of course! Don’t let your fitness bracket get busted this year – I’ve created a great series to get (or keep) you fit this spring. Start out strong with Sweet Sixteen, the easiest circuit…