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Recent posts related to

eat stop eat contest diet

Men’s 5-Week Transformation Winner Loses 25 Pounds

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/27/2010

Last week I interviewed Mary Pipken, the women’s TT transformation contest winner who lost an inspiring 4 pounds and 5 inches around her waist in just 5 weeks. Today, I thought I’d introduce the men’s winner, Charles Hiller Jr. In the same amount of time, Charles dropped an incredible 25…


What Jim Brown Knows

By Alexander Green | 07/27/2010

Jim Brown is arguably the best all-around athlete ever.

He was a track star, one of the nation’s finest lacrosse players, averaged 38 points per game on his high school basketball team, and broke NFL records as a running back for the Cleveland Browns. In 2002, The Sporting News named him the greatest football player of all time.


What Are Your Core Values?

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 07/26/2010

Many marketers called the commercial “brilliant,” “effective,” and even “inspirational.”

I say it took the easy way out.

You know the one I’m talking about — the Nike commercial that ran right before the Masters Golf Tournament. Where Tiger Woods somberly looks into the camera as his father’s voice asks him what he’d learned, blah, blah, blah…


The Most Important Thing I Ever Learned About Health

By Mark Morgan Ford | 07/24/2010

The most important thing I ever learned about staying healthy came to me late in life.

It wasn’t a formula or a therapy. It wasn’t even advice in the formal sense of the word. The most profound lesson I ever learned came to me after years and years of reading about the human body and how it works. It came to me after consulting with some of the best doctors in the business, including Dr. Robert Atkins and, more recently, Dr. Al Sears.


Powerful and Underrated Fat Loss Tips

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/23/2010

Yesterday I introduced to you our most recent female 5-week TT transformation contest winner, Melody Pipken. I wanted to share her success story with you because I know so many of you face the same challenges Melody worked so hard to overcome. Today, Melody shares what motivated her day-in and…


A Bunch of Thanks

By Laura Rodini | 07/23/2010

So… what do you do for a living?

David works as a pharmacist.

Kimberly is a SAT prep teacher.

Nathan is a college student.

And Lisa is a real estate agent.

They work very hard at their 9-to-5 jobs. But when their workday’s done? That’s when the real fun begins!


TT Transformation Winner Tells All

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/22/2010

Transformation contest winner, Melody Pipkin, who lost 4 lbs and 5 inches of fat in just 5 weeks, sat down with me recently to share her winning transformation contest formula. Like many of you currently struggling with weight, Melody was unhappy with the way she looked and things weren’t getting…


No Newsletter?

By Bob Bly | 07/22/2010

There are a number of business models for making money on the Internet. Of these, my favorite — and the one I recommend to those who want to sell information products, dietary supplements, or just about any other product online — is the “Agora Model.”


The Language Perfectionist: An Abundance of Misuses

By Don Hauptman | 07/22/2010

Here’s a roundup of interesting mistakes, culled from my recent reading of daily newspapers: “Mr. Bush erred in not clamping down on a rapacious, wreckless Congress and putting the brakes on its spending.” The word for “careless, heedless, out of control” is spelled reckless. If wreckless existed, it might almost…


Leverage Your Newsletter Content

By Wendy Montes de Oca | 07/21/2010

Company achieved a milestone? Launching a new product? Uncovered interesting statistics from a survey?

These are great reasons to put out an online press release. It will not only increase your online presence and drive traffic to your website, you can use it to leverage your newsletter content.


Building Your List

By Brian Edmondson | 07/20/2010

“How do I get more traffic to my website?” “How do I build a list?” “How can I make more money online?” These are three of the most common questions I get from aspiring Internet entrepreneurs, as well as seasoned online professionals.



By Rich Schefren | 07/19/2010

It’s a proven fact that a referred prospect is more likely to engage… more likely to buy… and spends more than prospects from any other channel. It should be obvious why.