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eat stop eat contest diet

Ask Yourself This… Is Your FAQ Page Making You Money?

By Derek Gehl | 02/3/2009

Your FAQ page can actively attract traffic to your site, establish your credibility, and make sales for you. Here’s how…


Use the 24-Hour Rule to Cure Yourself of This Success-Thwarting “Bug”

By Suzanne Richardson | 02/3/2009

The most common cause of failure, says Michael Masterson, is procrastination. The thief of dreams.

You’re a procrastinator if you have ever said something like…


Fight Stress, Fight Cancer

By James B. LaValle | 02/3/2009

Have you ever noticed that you tend to get sick or catch a cold during times of stress? Most people underestimate the significance of that. The reason you get sick is because chronic stress lowers the body’s production of natural killer (NK) cells. These are the immune cells that kill viruses – and they are also one of the body’s primary defenses against cancer cells.


The Balance Test

By Jon Benson | 02/2/2009

One of the tests for “true age” – the biological age of your body rather than your chronological age – is balance. You can test your balance simply by standing on one foot with your eyes closed. (Just be sure you have someone there to catch you in case you start to fall.)


Is Your Marketing Plan All About Fun?

By Jason Holland | 02/2/2009

You (and your team) have looked at your products and have developed a plan for getting those products in front of your target market.


How to Improve Your Mind, Life, and Career

By Suzanne Richardson | 02/2/2009

As Groucho Marx said, “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.” It would appear that more Americans than ever agree with Marx, according to The New York Times, which recently revealed the results of a report from the National Endowment for the Arts.


6 Budget-Friendly Travel Temptations for 2009

By Steenie Harvey | 01/31/2009

If hearing about the recession day in and day out makes you want to skip the country and head off on a long, luxurious weekend in la-la land… but you don’t think you have the budget to do it… I have good news for you.


The Language Perfectionist: It’s Foreign to Me

By Don Hauptman | 01/31/2009

Some writers ostentatiously drop in such words to flaunt their erudition. But foreign-language words are used for good reasons. Although the English language offers us a remarkably wide choice of words, some concepts are better expressed in other languages, especially when no precise equivalent exists in English. In addition, an imported locution is often more concise and stylistically superior.


Should You Be Advertising on TV?

By Mary Ellen Tribby | 01/31/2009

When most people think of television advertising, they think about the commercials they see on network TV. Such advertising gives the advertiser an immense reach – sometimes to as many as hundreds of millions of people. But the greater the reach, the less targeted the audience. For every person who might be interested in your product, there will be a hundred or a thousand with absolutely zero interest.


4 Simple Ways to Turbocharge Your Writing

By Yanik Silver | 01/30/2009

I’m going to share a bit of the information that I first taught at my $3,495 per person copywriting workshop. This subject is something I have not seen anyone else tackle in full. So if you are interested in making your sales copywriting (actually, any writing) work harder for you – pay attention!


Caveat eBay Emptor

By Judith Strauss | 01/29/2009

You may be one of the millions of people who regularly shop on eBay. I’ve done it on occasion, and never had any trouble. Until recently. As a result of that experience, I learned a few lessons that can help you deal with two of the potential problems you might encounter.


5 Steps to Getting a Recession-Proof Side Business Off the Ground

By Paul Lawrence | 01/29/2009

In this troubled economy, almost everyone can use the security that a side business can bring. I’ve been involved in a low-capital side business for years, and it has been a steady source of additional income for me. It’s something you, too, should consider getting into. I’m talking about the event promotion business.