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emotional detachment from your child

Recent posts related to

emotional detachment from your child

How to Avoid the 3 Biggest Mistakes Stock Market Investors Make

By Mark Morgan Ford | 07/18/2009

I’m not an expert in stocks, but I have been involved with stock market publications and stock market gurus for more than 25 years. During that time, I’ve met a lot of characters – some brilliant men without a trace of honesty and some honest men without a trace of…


Are You Suffering from ICLMB Syndrome?

By Yanik Silver | 07/17/2009

Too many entrepreneurs and business owners seem to believe that they cannot leave their office – even for a few days of fun in the sun – without things getting off track. I call this “I Can’t Leave My Business” syndrome. If that’s the way you feel, you either have…


Dear ETR: “What is a good pre-workout snack?”

By Kelley Herring | 07/17/2009

“I greatly appreciate Kelley Herring’s articles in ETR and Total Health Breakthroughs – and her great recipes. (Many are standard fare on my weekly menus.) “Kelley’s article regarding post-workout fueling was another good reminder of a ‘don’t’ for people working to get fit. My question: What is a good pre-workout…


The 3 Basics You Need to Start an Email Newsletter

By David Cross | 07/17/2009

An e-mail newsletter is one of the best ways to make almost any business at least twice as valuable, to generate substantial cash flow, and to double or triple profits. It’s also the perfect way to turn an interest or hobby into a moneymaking venture. And starting one is much…


5 Essential Fat-Burning Foods for Women

By Ellison, M.Sc. | 07/16/2009

My wife recently competed in the Arnold Amateur Figure Competition – the largest competition of its kind in the world. This is like a beauty contest in a bikini. Women are judged on their muscular physique and posing. A 30-year-old mom of two, she swept the competition! (And the women…


Where Ideas Come From

By Matt Furey | 07/16/2009

Many people wonder where so-called “creative” people get their ideas. They’re looking for answers that are profound. There aren’t any. Ideas are in the air at all times. You simply reach in and pull one out by doing something that all young kids do in their imagination each and every…


How to Handle the Ongoing Recession

By Howie Jacobson | 07/16/2009

This recession has revealed a psychological rift in the world’s consciousness. A lot of people are scared and angry. They’ve lost their jobs, their businesses, their insurance, and in some cases their self-worth. They feel victimized by events, by elites, and by entities. So they bob up and down, waiting to…


3 Simple Strategies for Increasing Your Luck

By Rich Schefren | 07/15/2009

Do you know somebody who seems to have the best luck in the world? It’s like everything they touch turns to gold. And it doesn’t matter if it’s in their business or their personal life, they just seem to have luck on their side all the time. I can add…


Making Money With AdSense

By Marc Charles | 07/15/2009

With Google AdSense, you can run Google advertising on your website or blog – and get paid every time your visitors click on those ads. There are hundreds of ways to drive traffic to your website. Some of them are free, and others cost money. The trick is to get “targeted”…


4 Simple Strategies for Maintaining Your Success

By Bob Cox | 07/15/2009

Way back in January, you set a goal for yourself. Let’s say you wanted to lose 10 pounds by July 1. After months of hard work and discipline, you’re down nearly 12 pounds! Success! Now… how do you keep yourself from slacking off and erasing everything you’ve achieved so far?…


How to Ask for a Promotion… and Get It

By Mark Morgan Ford | 07/15/2009

The most important thing you need to realize before asking for a promotion is this: Your employer is not really interested in you and why you think you deserve a higher-paying position. He’s interested in himself. And he’s interested in his business – the problems and the challenges his company…


3 Steps to Keeping Your Energy High on Weekends

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/15/2009

If you work hard all week, then find yourself “crashing” on the weekend – just when you need even more energy to do the things you love – here are some tips for you: 1. Go to bed and get up at the same time as you do during the…