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emotional detachment from your child

Recent posts related to

emotional detachment from your child

5 Simple Steps to Making Weight Loss Fun and Effective

By Charlie Byrne | 07/14/2009

Your biggest roadblock to staying fit is probably that it isn’t fun. I just read a study which found that most overweight folks don’t find exercise enjoyable. Worse, instead of feeling energized, they feel tired after a workout. No wonder it seems to be so hard to lose weight! But,…


The Dirty Secret of Screw-Ups

By Howie Jacobson | 07/14/2009

Here’s something I discovered shortly after launching my business in 2001: Up to a point, customers don’t really mind when something goes wrong. What drives them batty is when they complain and nobody cares. And when you make it clear to everyone in your organization that listening to customers is…


How to Instantly Grab a New Contact’s Attention

By Ilise Benun | 07/14/2009

One of the first questions you get when you meet someone at a networking event is “What do you do?” You need to answer this question not only at networking events but on job applications… on your website or blog… in promotional materials… and that’s just the half of it!…


If You’re Trying to Impress Me, Don’t Do This

By Mark Morgan Ford | 07/13/2009

He had been strongly recommended for the job. And so, when I got on the phone with him, I was expecting a sharp, take-charge guy. Instead, I got this: “I’ve been involved in strategically important roles with communications companies for 25 years. Throughout, I’ve focused on my core competencies, building…


The Language Perfectionist: More Misuses in the News

By Don Hauptman | 07/11/2009

Here is more proof, if any is needed, that proofreaders and copy editors don’t always catch every error. I found all the following examples recently in major national publications. “But worse, it always gets my shackles up when someone tells me I can’t do something.” The word shackles refers to…


How to Monitor One of the Most Important Factors in Your Health

By Kelley Herring | 07/11/2009

Because blood sugar is one of the most important factors in your overall health, you might think getting tests is a good way to keep it in check. You’d be right on that count. But you might be surprised to know that the best test may not be one you’re…


How to Make Room for What’s Important With a Simple 5-Second Exercise

By Bob Cox | 07/11/2009

It’s easier to accomplish any goal when you make it your top priority. That often means focusing less on something else in your life – or eliminating it altogether – to make room for what now has to be done. Let’s say you and your spouse are planning for the…


Could This Be The Worst Ad Ever?

By Charlie Byrne | 07/11/2009

Over the past few years I’ve made a lot of good friends at the local running store here in Delray Beach. It’s where I buy my Brooks Beast running shoes… I enjoy the training runs and races they sponsor… and I get tons of good advice from them practically every…


How to Eat Rice and Pasta on a Weight-Loss Diet

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/10/2009

Almost everyone loves rice and pasta, but it’s tough to enjoy them when you’re on a diet trying to lose weight. Fortunately, it’s possible. Here’s how. First, you need to avoid the processed, “white bread” versions of rice and pasta. The whole-grain, unrefined versions take a little longer to cook,…


The Simple Secret of… Complexity?

By John Forde | 07/10/2009

Usually, the writer’s mantra is “K.I.S.S.” (Keep It Simple Stupid.) And most of the time, this rule works just fine. Yet, we also know that writing – especially the kind of writing we do in sales letters and editorially – is more and more about building relationships. And aren’t relationships…


A Little-Known Secret of the Truly Wealthy

By Mark Morgan Ford | 07/10/2009

Carlos, one of my Jiu Jitsu instructors, is living the American dream. He came to this country to compete in mixed martial arts and earn his fortune as a champion fighter. While building a stellar win-loss record, he lived on club sponsorship and fees for giving lessons. For the first…


Doing This After You Exercise Kills the Benefits

By Kelley Herring | 07/9/2009

A friend of mine spends hours in the gym each week, but hasn’t been able to get a single pound or inch to budge. Despite her clean diet (I’ve checked her cupboards) and doing the “right” kind of exercise, she can’t seem to reach her fitness goals. Why not? Looking…