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Over-the-Hill “Dabbler” Discovers the M-P-N Formula for Success

By Buck Rizvi | 06/23/2010

For 22 years, I tried to crack the code for running my own successful business. One that would actually support my family and allow me to “thumb my nose” at The Man.

Ad sales, life insurance, soy candles, and software consulting are a few of my attempts at a home business during those years. None of them generated enough revenue for me to quit my corporate job.


The Glorious Schizophrenic Website Tool — WordPress

By Early to Rise | 06/21/2010

By reading ETR, you’ve already learned that designing a website doesn’t require hiring a Web designer and spending big bucks on software. Plenty of free or inexpensive tools and easy-to-use programs (yes, just about anyone can build a site with them) are available.


Getting Wealthy From Inflation: Part II: Gold

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/19/2010

The most convenient way to own physical gold is in the form of bullion coins. Be sure to buy top quality — coins that aren’t damaged in any way. Nicked or scratched coins won’t get you full value when you go to sell them. And make sure that you are not paying a big premium for them. Five or six percent is the absolute limit, in my opinion.


The New Paradigm That Built a $290 Million Online Business

By David Cross | 06/17/2010

More than a decade ago, Agora Inc., ETR’s parent company, decided to test a theory — to see whether the direct-marketing methods they used to run a profitable publishing business offline could be adapted to run one online.

Did the test work?


The Language Perfectionist: Still More Confusables

By Don Hauptman | 06/17/2010

It’s time once again for a look at commonly confused words. I found the following examples in print and online.

  • “Are you inferring that I have plagiarized your post…?”

An Up-and-Running Online Business in 30 Days or Less

By Brian Edmondson | 06/15/2010

About two years ago, I had the good luck to meet a group of people who work for one of the largest online marketers in the world. I’m talking about a company that sends out billions of sales messages a year and brings in hundreds of millions of dollars the old-fashioned way — by selling products and services that really benefit their customers.


Get Rich Starting With Just $50!

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/12/2010

With less than one hundred dollars, you can get rich by joining an investment club like Liberty Street League and get a successful portfolio.


How to attract the greatest number of eyeballs to your website

By Laura Rodini | 06/11/2010

I was sitting in my writer’s group, listening to a woman read the third chapter of her 450-page children’s book about ancient Egypt…

The idea was pretty interesting. It was about the first female Pharaoh, and I could tell she’d put a lot of research into it.


How to Get the Most Out of Freelancers

By Glenn Fisher | 06/10/2010

In the words of the poet John Donne, no man is an island.

And when it comes to starting your own business online, that means there’s no reason to think you have to do everything yourself.


The Language Perfectionist: Frequent Mistakes, Set Aright

By Don Hauptman | 06/10/2010

Some linguistic errors occur repeatedly. One of my favorites is the bungling of prix-fixe, a term that even some classy restaurants misspell in various creative ways. Below is a collection of other common gaffes — and how to avoid committing them.


You’d Have to Be Crazy to Start a New Business Right Now!

By PJ McClure | 06/7/2010

He sat quietly for a moment. Unwilling to accept defeat, he finally said, “Well, when you run out of steam with this thing, give us a call. We’d love to have you back.”

My boss could be called many things… excited about my new venture as The Mindset Maven was not one of them.


The Myth of Branding: Why Entrepreneurs Should Focus on the USP

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/5/2010

I recently got an interesting e-mail from Brian Ochsner, an ETR reader in Denver. He said, “As a direct-response copywriter, I’m skeptical about the number of marketing people who are enamored with the need for ‘branding’ or to ‘build their brand’ to effectively market their business.

“I know that brands such as Kraft and Coca-Cola have power and influence with Americans, but I’m not sure ‘branding’ has much of a place with most small- to medium-sized business marketing.”