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Exercie curcuits fat loss

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Exercie curcuits fat loss

An Instant (and Overlooked) Income Producer

By Yanik Silver | 06/10/2008

Here’s a profitable idea that you should immediately put into action. If you don’t, hold a mirror up to your face to see if you fog it. The technique? After every single transaction on your website (i.e., opt-in, registration, or purchase), you should be controlling where your customer goes next.…


Networking Mistake: Neglecting to Follow Up

By Ilise Benun | 06/10/2008

You already know that you must follow up with people you meet at business functions. This is Networking 101. But it bears repeating, because no matter how well we understand the importance of follow-up, few people actually do it. Maybe you think you’re too busy to follow up. Or you…


Nutrition Tip to Boost Fat Loss

By Craig Ballantyne | 06/10/2008

You bust your butt in the gym – and it’s working. You lose weight, drop a few inches, and are feeling good. Then, suddenly, you stop seeing results. The plateau phase of any fat-loss program may be normal, but it can be frustrating. Fortunately, a little change in your diet can get you back on track: Simply stop eating foods from a bag or a box and start eating more fruits and vegetables.


How to Exercise When Injured

By Craig Ballantyne | 06/9/2008

It happens. You strain your shoulder, sprain your wrist, or even break an arm. Most people think that working out with an injury like that will be a waste of time. But that’s plain wrong. In fact, by exercising your strong arm, you can actually maintain – or possibly even improve – the strength in your injured arm.


Faking It, Making It: The Changing World of Fakery

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/9/2008

Cuban cigars are expensive. A Cohiba robusto will set you back more than $25 in London or Madrid. You can buy them in Florida for $5 to $10 apiece. And lots of people do. Trouble is, they are fake. People who have been smoking Cohibas for 20 years say it’s…


Your Investing Plan for the Next 3 Months

By Rick Pendergraft | 06/9/2008

Before you jump into summer trading with both feet, be aware.


Persuade People With Deductive Reasoning

By Paul Lawrence | 06/7/2008

Ordering people around – even if you’re in a position to do so – is one of the least effective ways to get them to do what you want them to do. It’s always better to use proven persuasion techniques to change their thinking – and even their actions – without sounding like a dictator or a jerk.


How Much Fiber Can You Get in a Shake?

By Mark Morgan Ford | 06/7/2008

There’s no doubt about it – fiber is one of a few super-foods you should consume daily. In my article about my daily eating routine, I mentioned a super-high-fiber shake that I drink every day. In fact, I’ve calculated that my shake can provide me with as much as 95 grams of fiber. A half-dozen ETR readers wrote in, wondering where I found this miraculous beverage.


Fill Up Your Portfolio With This Profitable Company

By Christian Hill | 06/7/2008

When it comes to a measuring a company’s health, little can compare with overall profits. The more profitable a company is, the better. And no company in the world is more profitable than ExxonMobil (XOM). For anyone who drives a car and pays $4/gallon for gas, this should come as no surprise.


Righting Copywrongs

By David Cross | 06/6/2008

Keep in mind that there is nothing you can do to stop anyone from copying your website or other digital content. However, there are a number of things you can do to prevent them from actually publishing what they plagiarized. In some cases, you can even close them down.


The Problem With Enormous Goals

By Suzanne Richardson | 06/6/2008

When Bobby announced that he was going to write a novel by the end of 2007, his family was a little skeptical. Bobby has a demanding job in investment banking. Plus, he’s never taken a single writing class. And, to be truthful, the only thing he regularly reads is The Wall Street Journal. So when 2008 rolled around and Bobby hadn’t written more than 10 pages, no one was surprised. Except Bobby. He was upset and felt like he’d failed himself. And his dream of becoming a writer went down in flames.


Living Rich: Cheap Thrills

By Judith Strauss | 06/5/2008

Airport security wasn’t always as tight as it is today – and that extended to the airlines’ VIP lounges. When I was a senior in high school, a small group of us discovered Delta’s Crown Room at O’Hare Airport. And every now and then, we would smile our way in to enjoy a free night out. Comfy chairs. Snacks and drinks. A big-screen (for the time) TV. And excellent people-watching opportunities.