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fasted cardio ratio fat protein

Get Personal Growth Wins with the Effective Feedback Cycle

Use This 5-Step Feedback “Cycle” to Improve Your Business and Relationships

By Craig Ballantyne | 08/1/2023

Growth doesn’t happen overnight, and it doesn’t happen by yourself. Use this 5-step feedback cycle to continually build your success and ensure self-improvement.

3-"Set" Solution to Tackle Overwhelming Days

The 3-“Set” Solution for an Overwhelming Life

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/31/2023

Don’t let the chaos of life override what’s most important. Beat back overwhelming days with this simple 3-“Set” Solution.

Tim Grover's 6 Ways to Become Unstoppable

Tim Grover’s 6 Ways to Become Unstoppable

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/28/2023

Legendary trainer and coach Tim Grover shares some of his secret wisdom on leveling up and high performance—accessible to ANYONE.

8 rules everyone must follow to live an exceptional life

8 Rules Everyone Must Live By to Have an Exceptional Life

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/25/2023

Living an exceptional life is simple when you can convince yourself to take the right actions. Here are 8 personal rules to help you do exactly that!


The Power of Consistency and Resiliency in Entrepreneurship

By Daniel Woodrum | 07/24/2023

Unlocking the Whoosh Effect In the fiercely competitive world of entrepreneurship, achieving success is a constant battle. Amidst the challenges and setbacks, there exists a phenomenon known as the Whoosh Effect—an extraordinary breakthrough that often occurs just when entrepreneurs are on the brink of giving up or chasing another shiny…


Copywriting Tips from the Greatest Advertising Man in History

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/21/2023

A lesson in copywriting from David Ogilvy, considered the greatest advertiser in history, who learned copy and content are the same thing.

Work-life balance

The Truth About Work/Life Balance

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/20/2023

Work/life balance is a goal for many would-be high-performers, but is just not tenable. Instead, aim for a work/life mix—and clearly define your goals.


How To Increase Your Net Worth Through High-Value Networking

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/19/2023

High-value networking, the act of connecting members of your business/social circles with others that can add value to their pursuits, can grow your wealth.

creating a life vision

The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Life Vision

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/18/2023

By creating a life vision you can determine what the end destination or goal is you are working for, and how to accomplish it faster.


A Complete Roadmap to the Good Life: 10 Mindset Strategies For Unstoppable Success

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/17/2023

A few years back, Bill and Will were at one of my CEO workshops in California. It was Bill’s third workshop, and as he described his business, his results, his profits, and his relatively“easy” daily schedule, Will’s eyes opened wide as saucers and his jaw dropped to the floor. Will…

American Dream

How to Build an Empire from An American Dream

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/14/2023

A lesson on never giving up and building your empire from Bedros Keuilian, Creator of Fit Body Boot Camp, who lives The American Dream.

life lessons

10 Life Lessons from My Dad

By Craig Ballantyne | 07/13/2023

Ten life lessons from my father, who exhibited so many good and bad habits during his life, including consistency and working early and hard.